48 | The Second Challenge

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"Thomas!" Zendaya sung as she swung his trailer door open, "rise and shine asshole time to make you pretty"

"I'm already pretty what the fuck are you talking about?" Tom groaned as he sat up in his bed.
"It's 10am why aren't you dressed?" Zendaya opened his wardrobe throwing random clothes in his direction.

"Does it matter" Tom stood up and Zendaya turned before quickly snapping back around.
"Put some pants on while I set up" she laughed.

"You haven't even told me what's going on!" Tom yelled pulling on the jeans that were hurled at his bed.
"The video got 500 thousand likes"

"The video.??" Tom pulled a shirt over his head and looked at Zendaya who was unloading camera equipment from her bag.
"Yes I'm doing your makeup now"

"What no!" Tom whined.
"Sit down put this on!" Zendaya threw something in Toms direction.
"Whats this?" Tom examined the item.

"Moisturiser. You need it your skin is dry hun"
Tom scoffed before putting the moisturiser on his face.

Zendaya finished setting up the camera and plonked herself down next to Tom.
"Ok it's recording now"

"Hey guys welcome back to my channel!" Zendaya waved at the camera.
"Heyguysablalalalal" Tom mimicked her voice.
"STAP!" Zendaya playfully slapped him, "ok I'm just going to get into this cause no one likes intros"

"Ok Tom today is going to become a nice shade of brown"
"Oh no...." tom whined.

"Here we go— oh that is not your colour honey" Zendaya laughed while Tom looked in the camera.
"Oh my god!"

"Can you actually make me look pretty though?" Tom looked at Zendaya as she fumbled through her bag.
"I'm going to make you look pretty but your going to be brown"

"And there's nothing wrong with that brown still is pretty" Zendaya laughed.
"Babe I look orange!" Tom looked in the camera while Zendaya laughed at his face.

"Ok now for concealer...stop moving" Zendaya grabbed Toms face and began to put on concealer.
"Is that supposed to go under my eye like that"
Tom looked up at the roof blinking rapidly.

"Mhm..." Zendaya adjusted herself and continued to blend out the concealer.
"I actually want you to try..."
"Babe I'm trying I'm finding this very offensive right now"

"Ok ok go!" Tom laughed, "what's next"
"Blush and contour here" Zendaya blended some contour into Toms face.
"I don't want the lipstick to clash with my blush" Zendaya laughed and rested her forehead on Toms shoulder.

"Ok now my specialty. Eyebrows" Zendaya flipped her hair over her shoulder and proceeded to do Toms eyebrows.

"Yass slay baby look at you!" Zendaya sung as she filled in his eyebrows, "you actually have great eyebrows"

"Let me do your eyes now"
"You just did?"
"No eyes like eyeshadow tom god!" Zendaya laughed.

"Stop blinking!" Zendaya yelled.
"I have to blink!"
"No not while I'm trying to do mascara — TOM STOP!" Zendaya held his face up.

"I'm so tired i know I'm going to fall asleep after this and wake up like — argh I can't believe I fell asleep with my makeup on" Tom said with a sassy tone.

"Lipstick time!" Zendaya sung pulling out a nude lipstick, "hold still"
"Oh my god I look like I had a chocolate milkshake!"

"Hey Tom there's a thing called chapstick you should try it some time"
"Good one Zendaya...what are you seven years old?" Tom and Zendaya laughed.

"Oh my god my face feels so gross...is this how your face feels"
"Yes stay still I need to do lipgloss"
Tom leant forward and tried to kiss her.

"No! Not now I need to give you lipgloss"

"Here we go it's the big reveal I'm giving Tomithy —"
"Tomithy?" Tom whined.
"Yes now look" Zendaya held up the mirror in front of Tom.

"Oh my god. I was looking at the camera and I looked ok. I look like an idiot!" Tom laughed.

"I look like a member of kiss"
"You look really cute—"
"What's this right here?" Tom scratched the side of his eye.

"Oh I think I messed up"
"Fix it! I don't want to go out looking like this!" They both laughed.

"I look like I would be a lot more popular than you in highschool"
"Hell no not with that hair come here" Zendaya shuffled towards him and pushed his hair to one side.

She gasped.
"There you go!" She turned his head towards the camera.
"Hi I'm here for the new receptionist position!" Tom joked and Zendaya fell back on the bed laughing.

"Ok bye guys!" Zendaya laughed and switched off the camera, "you do look cute tho"
Zendaya ran her fingers through Toms hair.
"Can I wash this off it actually feels disgusting"

Zendaya handed him a pack of makeup wipes before proceeding to pack up her camera.


When Tom came back into his bedroom Zendaya was sitting on the bed editing the video.
"Hey" she didn't look up as Tom sat on the bed.

"How's the editing going" Tom rested his chin on Zendayas shoulder.
"Pretty good"
"That's good" Tom wrapped his arms around Zendayas waist and pulled her in between his legs so her back was pressed against his chest.

Zendaya smiled and pressed her head against Toms as he kissed her head before going back to edit her video.

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