29 | Drive

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Zendayas POV

My Bluetooth was interrupted by my weirdly annoying ringtone.
"I should change that..." I whispered as I picked up my phone.

I smiled as I saw a photo of me and Tom pop up on the screen.
"Hello..." I placed my phone between my shoulder and my ear.

"Hello" My boyfriend replied putting slight emphasis on the 'o' causing me to bite my lip a little.

"What's up" I pushed my shoulders into the car seat as I stopped at the lights.
"I was wondering if you would like to stay over tonight?"

My face lit up.
"You're coming back tonight!" I switched the phone to my other shoulder and watched the lights, "I thought you were coming back in a few days?"

"Is that a problem?" I could feel Toms smile through the phone.
"No! How far away are you?" My eyes caught the green light and I pushed on the excelerator.

"I'm at the airport now I'm about to board..." he paused, "are you driving...?"

I pressed my lips together.
"No..." I lied.
"Ok fine I am but you're connected to blue tooth I got it!"
"Zendaya..." he sighed, "I'm hanging up!"

"No wait!" I slapped both hands on the steering wheel as my phone disconnected.
"I wanted to hear your voice..." I whispered looking at my phone.

I thought they would be my last words to Tom. I can't even remember why I swerved, my car was totaled as I was thrown into darkness as I felt the thump of what was presumably a tree or a fence.

All I remember is that I looked up and saw, something, another car maybe...I was too caught up in my own feelings to tell.

I could feel the glass shatter in front of me as an air bag hit me throwing me back into consciousness.

Looking around I could see that it was dark, but as I looked at the time it was only 2pm.
I started to breath heavily and moved the air bag out of my vision.

The tree in front of me had made one hell of a dent in the front of my car and a branch had gone through the passenger windshield.

I managed to kick the door open falling out of the car letting my face hit the grass below me.
My body ached and my mouth let out a groan in response as I rolled onto my back looking up at the sky.

My brain commanded me to blink my eyes fast as the sky began to shift in and out from blue to black. The stars reappearing and disappearing before my eyes.

Then I realised it was my eyelids creating the darkness. Slowly opening and shutting again, as I felt my body fade into the darkness that they created.

Was I dying. Is this what it felt like...

From the seconds I had to see before my eyes shut again I couldn't notice anything physically wrong with me but my whole body ached in pain.

That's when it happened. I felt my body slowly begin to shift, it felt weird, as if I was being lifted to the sky.

I was dying. That's what I told myself.


The light came next, I thought I was a myth until I had finally witnessed it. I appeared above me and I tried to keep my eyes open but my mind was shutting down.


I let out what I thought was my final groan and it was followed by a my air leaving my lungs.


I commanded my eyes to stay open as I felt something go over my mouth.
"Zendaya can you hear me?"

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