Part 2 - Running with Rogues

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/\ Look, guys, look! Fanart by ayeitsjustellie. Thank you, I love it <3

Arriving in the camp was exciting. There were people everywhere. And best of all, none of them seemed to care about me. It was a nice change, not to be glared at by everyone we met. Instead, they smiled, especially at Rhys. He was beloved of all the parents, a perfect little model rogue, and he was also the closest thing they had to royalty.

Fion and I were taken into separate tents soon enough. I was too tired to argue. The young rogue pointed with his muzzle at a small pile of clothes in one corner. They were boy's clothes really, but I was just grateful for anything to wear.

"Shift and get dressed. I'll be back in a minute. Try not to attract any attention. Not everyone here is friendly," Rhys told me through the mind-link, glancing pointedly at a group of lean men who stood a few metres from my tent. I gave him a slight nod and he left the tent quietly.

For a rogue, Rhys didn't seem as evil as the stories suggested. Maybe he was just lulling me into a false sense of security.

Shifting back was more difficult without Fion to help, but I managed to focus on my human form long enough to transform. Every muscle and inch of my body ached with exhaustion, unsurprisingly. I found a black hoodie and tracksuit bottoms in the pile and pulled them on wearily. Darker clothes were always my favourite — they make it easier to sneak around.

When I left the tent, there was a boy with tousled light-brown hair and an infectious grin waiting outside. He had a very familiar pair of hazel eyes, and I guessed that this was Rhys in human form.

"You're a bit scrawny, aren't you? Didn't they feed you in your old pack?" Rhys asked. It hit a little too close to home for my liking. He narrowed his eyes slightly when I just glared in return. "Not very talkative, huh? This'll be a boring afternoon."

"If you're going to kill me, can you get it over with it?" I asked, staying stubbornly where I was. This streak of bravery had come from nowhere, but it seemed infinite.

"I don't think we're going to kill you. My dad likes you, and he always gets what he wants," Rhys replied. He was attempted to drag me towards Fion's tent. I had been right about their relation, then.

"And what does he want?" I asked, standing my ground and glaring at him.

"Well, we're short on slave labour at the moment," Rhys mused. When I looked genuinely worried, he rolled his eyes and gave me a shove towards the tent. "I'm kidding. You can either walk in there, all nice like, or I can carry you. Your pick."

I looked him up and down slowly. He was very tall, and he was stronger than any kid I'd seen. I didn't count on my odds of being able to resist him if it can to a physical struggle, even with the tricks Fion had taught me. I walked forwards with a sigh, deciding to play nicely for now.

Inside the tent, Fion was sat down in a corner, shifted and dressed as well. Although even Fion, who had just turned thirteen years old, was still shorter than Rhys, I felt confident that the two of us could handle him if we worked together. My confidence was misplaced.

Rhys gestured for me to go in. "Sit next to her."

I didn't. I stayed standing, proud of my little insolence. Either way, Rhys didn't seem to care. His attention had turned completely to the man standing in the entrance of the tent. It was his father — the man I had attacked earlier.

He had acquired a handful of nasty bruises in the hours since I'd last him, and his shirt was bloody because, although I wouldn't find out until much later, he had fought and killed my Alpha after we'd left.

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