Author's Note - I have a confession...

5.7K 676 95

Well this didn't post the first time so bear with me. Can you see it now?

So this is the part where I say thank you. For all of your votes and comments, and bothering to read this far.

I think it's only fair you know how much your support means. And for any author, it would be an awful lot. But this book was written under slightly abnormal circumstances.

Some of you already know this, so feel free to skip a couple paragraphs. In February last year, completely out of the blue, I was diagnosed with Stage II Hodgkin's Lymphoma (I hadn't even heard of it). Tis blood cancer. Y'all heard of Leukaemia, right? Like that, except you get tumours, too. It kinda looked like I had two hearts on the x-ray, and I now realise I missed so many opportunities for timelord jokes, but oh well.

[Disclaimer: This is not a pity party. Anyway who displays sympathy or asks me if I'm okay might get thrown off a cliff].

I was obviously a tad upset about all this. In the space of a week, I had a bone marrow extraction, a spinal tap, a biopsy, a Hickman line implanted and a shit ton of pills (those are all fancy medical terms for pain). That's all a bit traumatising for a fourteen-year-old who found it difficult to sit still for five minutes, let alone four months. And Fault in our Stars is bullshit, because there were no hot guys on my ward. No one's hot when they're bald and dying.

In my first cycle of chemo, people started commenting on chapter five of this book. It eventually motivated me to start writing again, even when I was too ill to get out of bed.

Those of you who have been here since the very beginning ( that's right, I'm looking at you ljcaples, deathuponu and powderr) might remember this book being on hiatus for a month or so while I adjusted to my new occupation - professional sick person, as John Green puts it. And let me tell you something. We're underpaid. It takes a lot of training and dedication to get the hang of.

Several chapters were written from my hospital bed, and many more while on chemo (which I blame for the mess at the start and the atrocious grammar). Wattpad, and you guys, cheered me up through every crappy, lonely day. And I've been in remission for a year now, almost to the day. You helped do that.

So there you go. Now we're nearly at 50k reads, which really means the world to me, because I honestly wasn't expecting 50. And 4k votes, over 500 comments... I love you all.

Thank you, out of the bottom of my heart, for every time you clicked that little star or speech bubble.

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