Part 66 - Showing Off

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Geez, this whole double Friday update thing is starting to confuse me. One of these nights, I'm going to upload an Empire of Ashes chapter on here and vice versa, and end up confusing all of you as well. Anyways, until that inevitable day, enjoy.

"You're beginning to make a habit of this," Rhodric grumbled.

"Not by choice," I replied dryly. Just as before, we were sat in the council chambers. But unlike before, Rhodric was in a more helpful mood.

"After Jeff shifted, how did any of you get out alive?" Ollie asked. He sounded genuinely worried, which was more than could be said for my adopted father. As far as the rogue was concerned, as long as we were still breathing, it was fine.

"I turned off my scent," my brother said. He was lounging back in his chair, using the table for a footrest as usual.

Rhodric blinked. The only sign of surprise he would ever show. "I had hoped you would be able to do that."

"And why on earth would that stop him attacking?" my second-in-command demanded, frowning.

"Because his mate was killed by werewolves. It's our scent that makes him break from reality — into a flashback of some sort," Rhodric explained. That sounded about right. There had been times when old Jeff thought he was somewhere else entirely. "My sister was caught up in one of those episodes."

Leo leant forwards. "What else can Shadowcats do?"

"Pray you never find out," Rhodric said. "There are some simple things — things like overhearing mind-links and a healing process even faster than ours. They're stronger than us individually, but they're not pack animals, so they rarely work together. I would imagine their insistence on solitude is the reason Shadowcats are extinct everywhere except Anglesey."

"Save for Jeff," I pointed out.

"Yes," Rhodric sighed then. "Maybe I should never have brought him here, but it felt safer to have him close to me. His own people were openly trying to kill him after he went mad."

"I have just one question," I said. "Will he help us kill Malcolm?"

He shrugged, looking uncertain. "If I ask him, most likely. The old man isn't actually as crazy as he would have everyone believe."

I suddenly felt uncomfortable. All those years, when we had visited him, we had acted like he was insane. What if Old Jeff had probably been laughing the whole time, amused by the kids who thought they were being kind to the local nutcase? And Rhys ... Jeff must have known he was talking to his grandson the whole time. He had even hinted as much.

Rhodric's eyes flickered between Leo and me. "But why stop there? Your sister would likely help us. Go to New Dawn and at least talk to Kara. Tell her who she is. But I'm well aware — and you should be, too — that she doesn't owe us anything."

"No. But she owes our parents a good deal, including her life." I stood up suddenly, pulling Leo with me. It only needed to be the two of us for a trip to New Dawn. Jace was still an ally, no matter what was going on with Keith's pack. We would have safe conduct.

"I'm coming too," Rhys decided. "Having a second Skye around is going to be so much fun."

I wouldn't count on it. We share genes and not necessarily much else.

Rhodric just shook his head. "I could use your help dealing with Jeff. He likes you, lad."

Rhys scowled but remained where he was. My second-in-command chewed on his lip. To my unending gratitude, he looked to me for instruction, not my father. "And me?"

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