Part 72 - Beginning of the End

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Hyyyype! We're in the werewolf under #500 club at the moment. Keep it up guys <3

The news came the next morning, via Rhodric. The police had finally paid a visit to the hunters, much to the annoyance of everyone involved. They had taken the time to arrange a warrant and do it all properly. Miller had personally made half a dozen arrests, according to my father.

A good portion of illegal weaponry had been confiscated as well. I just hoped Malcolm wasn't smart enough to turn this around. If he tipped them off to our whereabouts, I could only imagine the consequences. Three hundred people who had grown up off the radar, knives in every pocket, and a collective criminal record beyond belief.

But for the time being, Malcolm had never been so vulnerable. We were setting off as soon as physically possible.

"Say goodbye to the baby, Fion," I advised her. "That is, if you still want to come."

"I give birth to one child, and you want to side-line me?"

"That isn't what I—"

She cut me off mid-sentence. "Nia will stay with Maggie. I trust her to protect my daughter. Ollie will be here if anything goes wrong. One of the other mums has even agreed to feed her while I'm gone. What more do you want?"

"It's not Nia I'm worried about, really," I muttered under my breath, half hoping she wouldn't hear me.

Fion ignored my question. "I'm healed, Skye! Unless you want a re-enactment of what happened to Rhys, I suggest you sit down, shut up and wait."

I did as she said with any further protests. Fion leant down to say one last goodbye to little Nia, who had been crying continuously for the last hour. Perhaps she knew her mother was leaving. I offered the baby a smile and tried not to be offended when she didn't return it. Nia was still a bit too young for smiling.

Ollie was leaning in the doorway, waiting quietly for me. Everyone else was scattered about the camp preparing to leave. All except one notable person, whom I realised I had hardly seen since she got here.

"Where's Kara?"

"About that..." Ollie grimaced. "Your twin has been acting odd. I sent Tally to tail her — which is just protocol when there's a flockie about the place. She walks around the tents all hours of the day, asking strange questions."

I raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

His reluctance doubled. "Everything, really. Look, I know she's family, Skye. And I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I reckon she's up to something."

"Kara's from New Dawn. They're friendly with us. What reason would she have to scheme?" Fion asked.

"I don't have a clue. There's just something off about the whole thing. She's been making phone calls too, when she doesn't think anybody's listening."

That caught my attention fully. "To whom?"

"People called Tyler and Emma, several times a day. Tal couldn't hear much more than that," Ollie said.

"That's her mate and best friend," I replied flippantly. But when I looked at it a different way ... that's her Beta and Luna.

Ollie didn't sound convinced. "The packs are finally moving about. Reports indicate large forces leaving all of the territories this morning, presumably to meet at some chosen battleground. I'll tell you this, I hardly believed they were at war until now. This is the first activity we've had in months. It's just odd timing. Kara could have been spying for Keith undercover in New Dawn."

"It doesn't fit, but I'll talk to her. She won't be able to do any more harm now. We're leaving in an hour. Call Tally off."

Ollie nodded, and he went to do just that.

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