Part 20 - Trespassers

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And it's update night again! Bringing this chapter to you from a holiday cottage in Cornwall.

We are going to have a mass dedication session for all the commenters the day after this is posted, so if you have a favourite chapter between 1-7 and 17+ make sure to let me know, otherwise I'll do it in alphabetical order.

The next day was all about party preparations. Before dawn, I was up and dressed, astoundingly, ready for a supply run into town. We'd decided to take the Mercedes from New Dawn Pack, just because teenagers appearing out of the woods might seem odd to the local humans. And I couldn't be bothered running anywhere at this time of the morning.

"Kyle and Kevin! You have thirty seconds before I ask Sophie to drive!" I shouted at the blue, stripy tent where the twins slept.

As you might remember, none of us had a licence or any idea how to drive a car. Leo was the exception, but he was having a well-earned sleep in, and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. Kyle and Kevin, despite their slightly immature behaviour, were both seventeen with licences.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I heard one of them yell back. Kyle, perhaps?

"Don't forget me. I'm coming too."

"I wasn't forgetting - I just wanted to let you speak for yourself."

"Oh, come on, even you know you're making that up."

"Oi!" I bellowed. They fell silent immediately. I had no idea I had so much influence over them. "Less talking, more getting ready. Please."

A few minutes later ... Kevin? (yeah, we'll go with Kevin) stumbled out of the tent with one shoe on and his hair ruffled up wildly.

"Where's the car?" he asked sleepily.

I jerked a thumb behind myself, where the Mercedes and Fion were waiting. We had decided to make it a small trip. Too many strangers arriving in such a small town attracted too much attention, especially when all of them were bulky, well-built teenagers.

If it had been up to my friends, I wouldn't be going at all. They insisted I deserved rest, and the chores could be left to someone else. But after, like, a whole day doing nothing, I was already bored to distraction. Which was why I had volunteered for the supply run.

Kevin hopped off in the general direction of the car while trying to unlace his missing trainer. I shook the tent and started yelling again.

"Kyle! Get a move on."

The twin I'd decided was Kevin turned and looked at me, full of confusion. Oh well. It was a fifty-fifty chance.

"Kevin, get a move on. Kyle, you just carry on. Ignore me."

My wolf was laughing at me again. She called me an idiot and told me that I could just identify them by scent. I reminded her that it wasn't my fault. I hadn't thought of that because human instincts don't encourage you to sniff your friends whenever you see them.

Sure enough, when I checked their scents, they were slightly different. That would have been nice to know years ago. It would have saved me a lot of embarrassment.

Kevin finally came out of the tent (when I say came out, I really mean tripped in the doorway, brought the tent down around him, panicked, and had to be rescued from the huge sheet of fabric). I'd like to say that we all piled into the car without argument, but of course, that was out of the question for the twins.

"Why do you get to drive?"

"I got here first."

"So how come you got to eat the last trifle when I had it first?"

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