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After a long debate, considering many different songs, I have settled on one to summarise the entire book. And I don't think anyone will be able to disagree. Hey Brother by Avicii officially wins the title, and is attached above. The lyrics seem to just...fit. And if the sky comes falling down cracks me up every time XD. Skyfall tempted me, I'll admit. And Some Nights fits as well.

You all voted for an epilogue, so here goes. *nervous chuckle*

This story ended where it did for a reason, and that reason is that my life ended with it. Less than a week after the sacking of Lle o Dristwch, the Alphas felt in the mood for a hunt. A rogue hunt.

It didn't take them long to find us. We weren't exactly discrete people. The locals tipped off Jace, who then pointed the entire might of the packs in our direction. The cabin was besieged not even two days later.

I went down fighting of course. All of us did. But there were too many of them-hundreds, in fact. And after being tricked at the castle, they weren't feeling too merciful. Rhys died first, on some reckless attempt to kill the Alphas. Then Fion, because she was still recovering from Malcolm and childbirth.

I never did see what happened to Cassie. But she was human, so at least it would have been quick. Losing her mate would have crippled her so thoroughly, she probably welcomed death to some extent. The children were with her, and I doubt they lived long after that. Nia was a Llewellyn-a threat as long as she was breathing. And Sammy was a rogue, which is crime enough on its own.

Leo and I were the last to go. We fought back-to-back until we were bleeding from a dozen places. As best I can work out through the haze and confusion, my mate and I passed away within seconds of each other.

It turned out that Last Haven, had really been the last haven. We weren't safe anywhere, not with thousands of enemies who all thought we were the villains.

And I am, in fact, dead.

This story is being told from beyond the grave, ironically enough. I am projecting my memories into the dreams of a teenage girl in the hopes that someone will know our plight, and the reason my family lost their lives.


BAHAHAHA LOL JK. You knew I was kidding, right? Right?

What do you mean no?

Okay, I'm sorry. I'll even apologise. That was mean. So mean.

It was just too tempting. I think Skye is a bad influence on me. Yeah, let's blame her.

Sorry! To make it up to you, I'll even write a real epilogue. There. Happy now? Am I forgiven?


Family tree (to avoid confusion):

Family tree (to avoid confusion):

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Twelve years later.

My children were being reckless idiots again. All twelve of them were racing up the cliffs behind the cabin. I didn't stop them though, except Matty, who was only a toddler. After plucking him off an outcrop of rock, I settled to watch from a fallen tree. They ran as a pack - six adopted and six blood-relations. Keeping them entertained was nearly impossible, so we mostly left them to it. Dangerous activities were a firm favourite, especially anything involving water, climbing, fighting, and trespass.

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