Part 10 - Flesh and Blood

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A double upload to say sorry for being away so long. Hope you enjoy and if you see typos, can you please point them out for me? :)

The next morning I was woken by Leo. He decided to accomplish that by stealing my sleeping bag. Shivering and uncomfortable, I didn't want to stay in bed long after that.

It was time to leave for New Dawn. Apparently, Brandon had managed to get permission to raid their territory. Although I hadn't expected to be included, Rhys and Fion had kicked up one hell of a fuss. Brandon was also taking Leo and Callum, because he wanted some of his own men to back him up.

We would be running there in wolf form, and driving back in a new sports car with the loot. I didn't understand why Alphas bothered buying expensive, flashy cars when most wolves didn't drive. And mobile valuables were always so easy to steal. We usually sold them and spent the money on equipment or food.

I grabbed a quick breakfast and begged sandwiches from Maggie to eat later, then shifted and met up with Rhys and Fion at the camp entrance. Now it was light, I could see a jagged mark on Fion's neck. The teeth marks were bigger and messier than they should have been, which could mean only one thing: Brandon had marked her by force. That's not all he had done, but I only found out the rest much, much later.

To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. And my wolf was even more pissed off. She took control completely, and I didn't argue about it. Brandon chose the wrong moment to walk over to us in human form. I leapt at him, bowling him clean over, then snapped at his arm. Before he could shift or my teeth could take a chunk out of him, Rhys intervened.

My adopted brother, who didn't even bother shifting, tackled me. I was knocked clean off Brandon, and pinned down by an oppressing weight on my abdomen and shoulders. No matter how much I wriggled, I couldn't quite escape unless I was willing to do some permanent damage.

Brandon leapt to his feet and was met by Leo and Callum, who wisely held him back. Fion had little choice but to go his side and calm him down. Because if he shifted, the fight would be twice as bloody.

Rhys frowned down at me and said, "Skye, while I have no doubt my brother earnt that, you can't go around killing people when they're defenceless."

I finally regained enough control to lie still, and he cautiously eased off me but stayed between us.

"Look at her mark! Don't you see something wrong there?" I shouted through the link, keeping my stormy eyes fixed on Brandon. He scowled at me, completely oblivious to the mental conversation.

Rhys's gaze flickered between the angry red welts and his brother, he swore and strode right up to the four of them. Brandon's rage faded to annoyance as Rhys asked in a dangerously low voice, "Is that a forced mark?"

"Of course not," Brandon scoffed. "She let me. And why wouldn't she? We're mates."

Rhys just continued to glare at him. "I'm not asking you, prick. Fion, is it?"

By the glazed look in his eyes, I could tell Brandon was mind-linking her and I could take a wild guess at what he said because Fion swallowed, averted her eyes and said no very quietly. If that hadn't given away the lie, then the tell-tale shake in her voice would have.

Rhys realised that as well. He dragged Brandon away from Fion by his collar, and threw a punch at his jaw. Brandon's head flew backwards with the force of the blow, and smacked against the tree trunk. He sank down half a metre or so, dazed and defeated, and the other rogues managed to get between the brothers. Leo put himself in Rhys's way with some reluctance, while Callum checked on Brandon.

But the older Llewellyn was incredulous. The back of his head was bleeding, which was no more than he deserved for a forced marking. He spat out a stream of curses and demanded, "What the hell was that about? You heard her - she said no!"

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