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The next day, Bella called Lizzie in a panic.

"Lizzie! I-I need your help. Can you get over here?" Bella asked, her voice sounding frantic.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon." Lizzie replied, at the drop of a hat. As frustrated as Lizzie was about everything with Jacob, Bella was still her best friend, and if it was as serious as it sounded, Lizzie would be there. And she was, in about five minutes.

"Lizzie! Thank god." Bella breathed, pulling her into the house. "I went to the clearing, where Edward and I... our clearing. Laurent was there."

"Oh god, Bella are you okay?" Lizzie asked, concerned. Her eyes were wide. Laurent. She hadn't heard about him since... James. 

"I'm fine. He was going to kill me, and then this pack of wolves... huge wolves. They were massive." Bella explained.

"You think they're the ones killing hikers in the forest?" Lizzie asked, making Bella nod profusely.

"They attacked him, like they were protecting me. Harry's sending a hunting party now. My dad left for the station, but Laurent... He got away. He's probably told Victoria by now. That I'm here, unprotected." Bella said, her voice shaking as she rambled. Lizzie grasped her shaking hands.

"It's okay, Bells. I'll stay with you. You'll be okay." Lizzie assured, bringing her in for a hug. Bella held her arms around her friend. She never realized how much she had helped her. Through everything. Lizzie was there. And here she was again.

The two girls slept in Bella's bed that night, and were woken up at the sound of pebbles being thrown at the window. Lizzie froze while Bella went to see who it was.

"Bella!" Jake called from below.

"You scared me. What the hell are you doing?" Bella asked. While they were on semi-house arrest, Lizzie had confessed to Bella what happened with Jacob.  She was shocked, but they were both on the same side. Bella had even tried to go see him herself, but he was defensive. Distracted. He just... wasn't the same.

"Back up. I'm coming up." He said. Bella backed away from the window, and Lizzie jumped as Jacob leaped up, appearing on the window ledge. "Lizzie." He said by way of greeting as he saw the girl sitting in Bella's bed. "Elizabeth..." He corrected. "...I'm sorry."

"For what?" Bella asked monotonously, stepping in front of him and folding her arms, protecting her friend.

"I wish I could explain, but I literally can't." Jake stated, edging around her and looking Lizzie in the eyes. "Have you ever had a secret? That you couldn't tell anyone, that wasn't yours to share? Well, that's what its like for me, but worse. You have no idea how tight I'm bound."

"I hate this. Look at what they've done to you, Jake." Lizzie said quietly. She could barely hear herself. Jake shook his head, and while he turned, he noticed the silvery scar on Bella's arm. The bite. He stood, huffing in anger.

 "I mean, the killer part is, you already know. Do you remember when we all walked down the beach at La Push? The st-" He stopped, as if he choked on the words before they could come out.

"The story. The story about the cold ones." Bella finished, nodding. Jacob sighed.

"I guess I understand why that's the only part you remember." He scoffed.

"The story about how the Quileutes are descendants from... wolves." Lizzie said quietly. Her eyes widened in realization, looking to Bella incredulously. Jacob looked like he wanted to nod, but he didn't.

"I gotta go. They'll want me back soon." He said quietly. He and Bella got into a deep hug, and Lizzie turned away. He pulled away, giving a tight-lipped smile before turning and leaping out the window. He landed on his feet before jogging away.

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