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"Didn't we already do this? Vampires trying to kill Lizzie?" Leah asked monotonously, following the rest of the wolves as they moved into the house. Bella had left quickly in search of Paul, even though they all knew she'd never find him.

"Leah." Sam scolded. He was barely present, searching and sifting through the collection of thoughts in his head. Looking for Paul's.

"She's like one of us. We can't just let them come kill her." Embry stated, frowning.

"You heard what the Cullens said last time. The Volturi won't respect our treaty, and they'll kill us too. Better to sacrifice one life to save the lives of the many." Leah grumbled.

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that." Embry snapped in reply. 

"We all are. Let's start looking for Paul. Go in pairs." Sam ordered. The boys nodded, grabbing a partner and sprinting into the woods. They needed to find him.

So did Lizzie. Before the Cullens had left her house earlier, they made certain to tell Lizzie to stay inside. No matter how diplomatic Aro and the Volturi may seem, they would ultimately do anything to execute their orders. Caius would have her killed. 

All of these things passed through her mind as she pulled on her leather jacket and boots, but none of them mattered. None of them were worth more to her than Paul. She didn't know why he left, why he ran, but she needed to. Desperately. If it were someone else, she might have let them go. Might have coddled the hurt they left her with. 

Lizzie knew that her relationship with Paul was more than that. Every second they spent apart hurt, the pain growing exponentially. From a small pinch after he slammed the door behind him, to the dull ache in her chest as she sat in her living room, to the searing roar that burned in her heart now. Lizzie wasn't even a wolf. She hadn't imprinted on him. It was unimaginable what being apart was doing to Paul.

Slamming the door to her truck, the engine revved as she sped down the street. If Charlie or anyone else had seen her, Lizzie didn't know. They wouldn't have been able to catch her either way. It was incredible that her truck had the ability to move that fast, but she and Jake had built it well. 

Lizzie knew where she was going, but at the same time, she had no idea. It was a string tugging her toward him, no matter where he went. She would follow it to the other side of the world if she had to. It was a strange sensation, and she'd never heard about it before, but Lizzie knew what it was. Her connection to Paul was weakening as they spent time apart, but she recognized it's burning passion. Undeniable love. 

As her truck ripped past the high school, she noticed the familiar group of boys running out of the forest. They all watched her pass, varying expressions of alarm across their faces. Even Leah's. She knew where they'd been. It was a good guess on their part, the treehouse where Lizzie and Paul had their 'first date' was important to both of them, but Paul knew that. He knew where she would look, too swallowed in his own emotions to realize that Lizzie knew that too.

She followed the increasingly irritating tug in her gut out of Forks, down the highway, and toward the beach. Lizzie passed each one, analyzing for any sign of him, but there was none. The tug continued, so she continued. Further along the coastline, and up toward the mountains. Lizzie drove along the cliffside, her eyes scanning every inch of the forest she could see whilst still trying to drive. She rounded another corner when she saw him.

𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☾ 𝒑𝒂𝒖𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒆Where stories live. Discover now