She is mine (chapter-9)

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Third person's pov

The whole room is silent. Not a single person have dare to utter a word. They are scared, scared about what is going to happen next. Because today someone's heart had broken into pieces. That someone is the most fearing mafia king Saif Ali Khan. His angel is going to be someone's. But unfortunately that someone is not going to be him.

His ammi, two best friends Hamza and Rafael is also worried but more than that they are scared. Scared about what Saif is going to do now? That is the only thing running in their mind.

When Mrs. Amina had gone their house to ask his angel's hand for him,her uncle had clearly said that she is going to marry someone else. And that they had already fix the nikah's date. Having no other choice mrs. Amina had to come back with empty hands.

In no time the news has reached to Saif, Hamza and Rafael's ear. In office Saif has turned everything upside down in anger. He broke every single thing in his office. Hamza and Rafael came to his office to stop him from doing anything, as it will harm his reputation but when they came they saw Saif is getting into his car. They also follow him as they can't take risks to leave their friend alone.

Coming home by driving like a mad man he directly came to his mother who was sitting in the living room on a sofa with a sad face. Feeling bad for his son who will be broken to know this. But she don't know that Saif has already got the news.

Coming toward his mother, sitting in the floor he placed his head in her lap.

Following him both Hamza and Rafael also came to living room. Seeing the sight in front of them they also feel pain. Pain for not being able to help their friend. They silently take their sit.

"Ammi.... "after coming home,he said something for the first time. His face is neutral, there is not a single trance of emotion.

"Yes beta (son)"his ammi says so softly knowing that his son need emotional support. She knows that his son maybe don't makes his hurt feelings obvious to others but he is hurt.

"Am I that bad, Ammi. Don't I deserve to be happy and loved?" hearing his voice no one could tell if he is feeling broken or not.

But his friends could see the hurt and pain.His eyes are cold but there is pain not visible for everyone. After Mr. Ali khan's death they have never seen Saif in such condition.

"Saif, why are you saying all this? Everyone deserves to be happy and same goes to you also." Her ammi told him.

"Then Ammi why all this things are happening with me? You guys didn't believe me when I said that I don't deserve her. Now see. What happend?? I tried to reach something which is out of my reach. Now it left me in a broken state". His face held no emotions,his voice held no sadness, everything is neutral. But it's true that he is broken.

Till now Hamza and Rafael didn't say anything but not anymore.

"Saif. Listen... " But before Hamza could say anything Saif stand up and started to walk toward the stairs. He is not in a mood to listen anyone.

"Saif bro. Listen what Hamza was abo......... "

"Let him go. Let him spend some time alone. He will come around, don't worry. He is strong." Hamza didn't let Rafael to complete what he was saying so his friend Rafael don't say anything to Saif.

Saif is not only Rafael's friend but also like an elder brother for him. So as a fact Rafael would try to make him understand but Saif is not in a situation to understand anything.

Hamza's words make sense to Rafael as he keep silent.

"Why always my son needs to feel the pain? I wish I could help him." Mrs. Amina's words they are true. But now they three can't do anything other than silently watching everything. They are helpless.

Entering his bedroom Saif shut the door loudly letting everyone to know that he is angry and don't want any disturbance.

Frustration, agony and others emotions are killing him from inside.

"Aaa....arg..  " screaming loudly he started to destroy every single thing present in his room.

"Why? Why? Don't I deserve happiness? She just came into my life but still she can't be mine. So she just came to walk away like nothing happened." A sharp piece of glass pierced his hand's palm but the pain is nothing compared to the pain his heart is feeling. The pain in his heart is increasing every moment. His angel is going to be someone else's is the only thing running in his mind.

After sometime he become exhausted by all this emotional agony and sat in the floor in a weary manner.

All this time not a single drop of tear slipped from his eye but now it slipped by seeing his angel's chain. The chain which his angel used for saving his life. The chain needs it's owner. He also need her in his life. His heart wants her, needs her, it's screaming for her.

His angel is his not someone else's. Taking the chain in his hand he promised that if his angel gonna be someone's then that someone gonna be him not anyone other than him.

"I am a bad boy. Good things doesn't suit's me. Trying to be good is not in my dictionary. Now I am going to handle everything in my own way. She is not anyone else's. She is mine. Just mine. Soon she gonna be in my life."

He said to himself and go out of the room. Seeing him getting down from stairs his Ammi, Hamza and Rafael stand up from their sits, they heard the crushing sounds which came from his room. They were worried about what he was doing.

Coming close to his ammi, he said "Ammi start to make preparations,I will not come back without your daughter-in-law this time."

She was shocked to hear what his son said. Hamza and Rafael understand that he is going to do something.

"Saif ,What are yo... " Hamza couldn't complete what he was saying. As Saif started to walk out from there.

Rafael wanted to stop him but he just stood there silently like everyone.

Nobody knows what he is going to do now. They just know that he wants what is his.

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