Cruel Intentions?

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AN: This one's especially for you, Sol Monte (one of my Spanish reviewers--please correct me if I recognized the language incorrectly).

Tropical Remix: You'd really love to hear spoilers? XD All I can say is despite what we say sometimes our actions betray us.

Lyra: Flattery will get you... another chapter? 

Darien knocked on his grandfather's study, then entered shortly after. The old man was reading a hard-bound book.

"Party over?" Gerhard Lawson asked.

"Are they ever?"

"How did you find Serena Portman?"

"You mean, should we help DISCS, Ltd. or not," he stated.

"No. I mean, how is Miss Portman? Do you think she can hold your attention?"

"What is this, Grandfather?"

"This is different from your side jobs of rescue operations, Darien. Discs, Ltd. is still standing, but competition is stiff and they need a backer."

"A screen, a camouflage," he said.

"A supporter," he agreed.

"Money," Darien reduced.

"Marriage," his grandfather corrected.

"You can't be serious! Are you suggesting—"

"That you marry Serena Portman. Her father wanted our help to be in that light."


"Then I will not oblige you. James Portman would not accept our money. But I couldn't sacrifice you, either. He would understand. For all I know, he's just concerned about the employees who might lose their jobs." His grandfather stood and returned the book on the shelf. "I wouldn't have considered it if James isn't almost family."

"Did she know about this?" He had an idea that they were to help Discs, Ltd., but his imagination did not take him to the extent of matrimony.

"Perhaps. It's their company after all. Why do you ask?"

"She doesn't work there," he evaded. Was he already making excuses for her?

"No. I believe she's attending culinary school." The old man took a deep breath. "I understand if you have something serious going on with that Farley girl. Forget I ever mentioned anything about Serena Portman."

"I will." It was laced with sarcasm.

"Good. I'll be resting now."

Darien went out of the study without replying. He completely missed the old man's worried glance over his tall frame.

It was not as beautiful as when she was holding it anymore.

Darien scornfully stared at the glass cylinder encasing the rose. Beauty, he recalled saying. Truth, she answered back.

She related that the organizer for Loni Lenai's exhibition mistakenly put the title BEAUTY to that particular masterpiece. Lenai corrected it later, but not before the reviews had been printed, and the title imprinted on the painting. Some maintained that the title Beauty suited the remarkable creation better.

So that was her truth. He did not know why he bothered cherishing her keepsake. And why, three days after, he was still staring at the small memento. He even preserved it! But like her character, the flower was beginning to show its weak points.

He would keep it. Maybe, until forever-to remind him of how close he came to ruining himself.

Just one night... less than an hour in her presence, and the price could have been eternity.

He would be not destroyed.

His grandfather said that the Portman's had at least a month. Time is not an issue. Whether she was toying with him that night or not was unimportant.

She would pay, he decided. He would make her fall in love with him, make her believe that he cherished her in return. He would be the charming suitor, the impressive fiance. He would be an unselfish lover. He would be hers. And it would be too late before she realized that it was a mistake to have married him.


Darien moved from the window when the door of his office clicked behind him. It was his grandfather. He could just have summoned him but he rarely ever did. Gerhard walked to Darien's table.

"It's all over the place. James called to say you mis-sent the flowers for Serena at the Discs' Head Office."

Darien received news that Alain Ledger, one of James's directors was interested in the girl, enough to propose marriage.

"I did not mis-send it."

The old man gave a bark of laughter. "Making them know of your intentions, huh? Your women admirers wouldn't like it," Gerhard chided. "And how do you think Serena would feel?"

What do I care? Darien grumbled silently. "I sent one to their house address as well."

"Clever," the old man remarked

"Prepared is the word."

"You saw her again last night? Is that true?"

"Could be."

"You are overdoing it. She would understand if you tell her the truth. She may even thank you for it."

"What makes you think she doesn't know?" Such truth! he scoffed inwardly.

"James seemed ready to back out after your display of affection. He was afraid it would hurt his little girl. I just received a call from him."

So that was why his grandfather approached him. Well, tough! "I will marry her." Damn it! They would not back out.

"He was afraid you couldn't—"

"Couldn't what?"

"Love her," his grandfather carefully continued.

"I thought you said she'd appreciate the truth and not demand that I love her?"

His grandfather simply shrugged his shoulders and turned on his heel after a heavy sigh.

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