The Second Proposal

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Serena glanced surreptitiously at her watch. She was wondering if she had been too early for this appointment with Diamond Masters. She had learned to call him Diam, as he was one of the doctors that look after her father. Diam's father, her godfather, was their family doctor and James' friend for as long as she could remember.

At thirty-three Diam was already a brilliant neurosurgeon. She had known Diam for years, but only manage to see him on occasion. This was the first time that he requested a meeting with her.

"Dr. Masters will be down shortly," the waiter announced, setting down her coffee cup.

Serena acknowledged this with a slight nod and the tall uniformed man respectfully moved away. She had almost forgot that Beryl St. Pierre, Diam's ex-wife, used to own St. Pierre Hotels before her rich ex-husband bought the chain from her family. It was no secret that the two had been separated for two years now.

Since then, Diam had taken residence in this branch's penthouse together with a three year old daughter by the red-haired Beryl.

"Do you usually put too much sugar in your coffee?"

She looked up to meet the handsome face of Dr. Diam Masters. She carefully replaced the lid on the sugar canister and set down her teaspoon on the saucer without mixing the hot drink.

"I like it sweet," she answered and found that the adjective described exactly the strawberry-haired child whose chubby little fingers were holding Diam's large hand a little too tightly.

She smiled at the scene. When she looked up again, Diam found her gaze and there was an unfathomable expression on his face. He occupied the seat across her and an attendant rushed to set up his daughter on a high chair between them.

"I hope you don't mind," he said, referring to his daughter.

"Are you kidding? She's adorable!" She had completely dismissed her coffee and couldn't quite seem to take her eyes off the child. "What's her name?"

"Bea," the little girl answered. This earned a smile from her father. She was tapping the flat panel of her seat with her palms.

Reena smiled up at Diam. "She's perfect, Diam. Doesn't she look like you!" she remarked. Bea did resemble her father.

"So I've been told," he answered. "And the little water-worker knows how to twist me around her little fingers."

Serena giggled. "I should imagine you have lots of time for her."

"Unfortunately not. I don't know how I manage to put her in my schedule. Or if I do make an effort to fit her in my priorities. I've said no to her a number of times that it feels criminal."

Serena paled. I killed my own child because I'd been too careless. Had I been more responsible and less jealous I would have known that I was pregnant. I should have taken care of myself more. I'd been so selfish that my baby died. That, Diam, is criminal.


"Huh?" She blinked. "I'm sorry. I spaced out. I had a fretful night. Dad's been restless."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

She nodded and silently sipped up her coffee. Her eyes once more darted to the cute angel on her side. In her heart she was wishing for the same bundle of joy that would have reminder her of...

"...the reason why I asked you to come here."

"Yes?" She had done it again. She just hoped Diam's patience with research would apply to her.

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