The Boy from Yesterday

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AN: Too late for disclaimers. Still, SailorMoon is not mine.

The summer blue skies above seemed to mirror the sadness in Serena's azure gaze as she unwillingly tore her eyes away from the peach roses on her mother's garden.

There was something about those flowers that she wanted to forget.

Serena tried instead to concentrate on Molly's departing form. Her best friend ended up marrying Marvin, who used to sweet talk both of them in high school. She smiled wanly at the recollection. Molly had always lived close to her. They had been close friends since they were seven, dreaming of brave renowned princes and towering castles.

It was such a comfort to know that a familiar face like Molly's would always be there to welcome her return.

"The Lights would be doing a charity concert at the Asian Hospital tonight," Molly informed her earlier. "He would be more than glad to see you."

"I doubt it," Serena replied.

"How could you? He'd be devastated to know you got married."

Serena's eyes flew to her best friend's and could have laughed at Molly's aghast expression if only her marriage wasn't mentioned.

"I'm sorry." Molly looked it.

"So am I." For a while, it seemed painful for Serena to breathe.

She was young then, and very much in love. She thought he was genuinely in love with her, too.

I couldn't possibly love him after that.

Or could she?


She raised her eyes and saw relief in Molly's stare.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." That Molly did not believe her was apparent in the way she changed the topic.

"How's your father?"

Yes, her father. He was the one who...

"Reena?" This time, Molly tugged at her hand. "Are you really okay?"

"Y-yeah. It's just that I believe my father is getting better but he won't accept it. He always tells me he feels so ill, dying. The doctors say it's just a phase, but I'm still worried."

"Do you think it has to do with the way his company is faring?"

Reena turned to look at the bedroom door. Her father was sleeping when she last checked, and for that she was thankful. He never seemed to get enough sleep since he had the attack. And when he was awake, he was quite irritable, sometimes she felt, with her.

He was very disappointed when she and...

"No. It has nothing to do with the company, I think. They own Discs, Ltd. now. There's nothing Father can do about that. It's the house I'm worried about... and our finances."

"I wish I could help you, Reena."

"You don't know how much help your presence alone is already."

"No, I mean—"

"Please, I can't accept it."

"You're like your father in that respect. And even if you say so, I wouldn't have the money. Has the bank given you an ultimatum?"

"Yes, in less than two months. I try not to think of it too much. Dad must have thought he could recover in time and used the house as collateral to get a loan." She scanned the whole place. It was almost bare, devoid of the antiques and expensive modern pieces that decorated it before. "It's practically owned by the bank right now," she said almost to herself.

She moved her head when she heard the phone ringing inside. She hurriedly opened the front door to get it. It was her college friend Mina, a registered nurse. They were classmates in their freshman year until Serena decided to shift to Food Technology.

"Molly told me that you're going out to a concert tonight," she began.

Serena uttered a protest to say she wasn't going, "Actually—"

"It's about time. You've been hiding in your rabbit hole ever since you got back. I'm on my way there. I'll look after your father until you get home. I noticed he doesn't complain much when you're not around. June said the same thing," she said, referring to a male nurse that used to assist them with her father when the latter was hospitalized.

"Mina, I don't like you to think that I don't appreciate your kindness, but..."

"But you don't want me to have a wasted journey either, right? So I suggest you call up Molly and tell her what time to pick you up. I'm there. 'Bye."

NEVER BROKEN: A SailorMoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now