The Pride Before the Fall

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Serena's mind was in a jam as she anticipated what could be the consequences of calling Darien. She wondered why of all people, he was the first person she thought of when she had ultimately decided. Because he certainly wasn't the only one who offered help.

The night Darien had that "talk" with her in this very house regarding his condition for helping her, Alain also dropped by moments after her estranged husband had left.

Serena was sure the new CEO that replaced her father in the company noticed Darien's car, but she didn't answer the silent question in Alain's eyes why Darien was there.

She loosened her hair from it's unceremonial knot and slowly took off her clothes after running the bath. Serena took a deep breath to calm her beating heart.

For years she had tried to shut Darien out of her thoughts and her life. But since she had moved back, they always seemed to be running into each other and all attempts to forget him completely had been unsuccessful. Perhaps by facing him head on she'd have a better chance?

'That's... Darien's,' she told Alain when he looked questioningly at the handkerchief on the sofa. There was no use denying that he'd been here. And perhaps the best thing was to treat the subject of her husband casually. 'He was just here.' She tried to make it sound like it's a regular occurence, but she knew Alain knew better.

Darien had offered that handkerchief to her while they were sitting on the sofa and he was reiterating the treatments that her father needed. His sister was a doctor in the same hospital where Diam worked, and Amy would sometimes visit her dad. Perhaps Amy had mentioned the subject to him? Darien's sister was only trying to be helpful, she knew, but being around her reminded her of Darien so Serena maintained her distance.

When she didn't accept that handkerchief for her tears, Darien placed in on the space on the couch between them. It was unlike him to forget... things. She didn't notice that he left it... for her. In case she changed her mind?

She was sure she stuffed that hanky in her handbag to make sure she returned it to him the next time they meet.

"He offered to help you about your father's hospitalization?" It was more of a statement.

She nodded at Alain. "I don't need his help."

Famous last words, Serena thought as she dipped herself in the baht tub. She breathed in the familiar scent of vanilla and cherry blossoms. Her hair would get wet, but no matter. She'd shampoo it with the clear green solution from that big bottle, which Mina gave her from her last assignment. Her nurse friend would moonlight as a model every now and then. The shampoo has a mild green apple fragrance that suited her hair.

"It's so fine and it grows long so fast it drives me crazy."

"It drives me crazy," Darien said huskily. "Don't ever have it cut short."

Serena shut her eyes and cover her small face with the palm of her hands at the memory. She sighed and reached for the sponge, poured a small amount of body wash on it and started applying the lather from her shoulder to the middle of her breasts, up to her other shoulder, her arms and limbs.

"I'm sure I'm not the first man to dislike the husband of the girl I love," Alain said. "How about you accept my offer instead?"

"It'snot fair to you, Alain."

Deep in her heart, she knew even then that she would go to Darien first before considering any other offer, and since she it was a given that he would help her, she never really considered Alain's suggestion.

Moral support from others was enough. Alain fell in that category. Others. She didn't want it to be anything more than that. He was a friend, yes, but she was not ready for the benefits he might or could be expecting. He was kind and definitely in love with her. Okay, so maybe he also wanted her. But one thing's for sure. She did not return his feelings.

It had been so long since she had an evening like this, without having to check on her father at different times in the evening. Dr. Masters, Diam's father, could be right. Perhaps hospitalization was best for her dad.

She could not deny that her dad's condition had worsened. Her godfather, Dr. Damian Masters's visits became more frequent in the last month. And as her father's illness progressed, so did their debts. She could no longer make their monthly income match their monthly expenditure.

Her mind kept telling her to accept Darien's offer. Her heart, if not her pride, kept blocking the thought.

And he never called her again to repeat the offer. Serena told herself she was happy about it, but knew that she was lying.

'You've known for a long time that his condition was terminal,' Damon said. 'There's a chance, now just a chance, mind you, that if he is hospitalized, there's some new treatment being tried that may prolong his life for a few months and possibly reduce some of the pain he's suffering.'

'And the other choice?' she prompted.

'And the other choice is to let the illness take its course. His pain will increase..."

Serena swallowed the lump in her throat. I don't really have a choice.

'I don't know where I'll get the money to pay for it, but I want him to have this new treatment.'

Damon reached out to press Serena's hand for a second. 'I wish you weren't so alone. My son is willing to help.' He smiled, and got on his feet. 'But he told me not to interfere. He said you know best what to do. I'll make arrangements for your father to be admittedto the hospital.'

She'd better get up and wash her hair before she turned into a prune. She certainly didn't want to answer the door in her robe, barefoot, and give Darien the wrong idea.

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