Freedom Equals Solitude

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Serena felt like crying on the trip back home, but it was as if her tear ducts had dried. If Darien wasn't there with her, Serena didn't know how she would have managed. The occasional comforting glances from him helped enormously.

When they reached the hospital, Serena was happy to see Molly rushing toward her.

"I called Molly before we left," Darien said quietly, "I thought it would make you feel better to have her here."

She was really thankful for his thoughtfulness. "Thank you."

Molly accompanied her to her dad's room. Darien went to have a talk with the doctors.

"He's getting better, Ren," Molly said, trying to comfort her.

Serena could only pray that it was true. "He's unconscious?"

"No, the nurse gave him some sedative. He'll wake up soon," Molly said reassuringly.

Serena walked around her dad's bed and sat next to it, taking his hand in hers. His eyes fluttered open and his tired, blue orbs focused on her.


"Yes, Dad, I'm here. Everything's going to be fine."

"I told them not to call you back." His voice was very low and weak. "I wanted you to spend time with Darien. I guess Amy insisted."

Serena finally found tears wetting her cheeks. She wiped it with the back of her other hand. "It's okay, Dad. We can always go back to have a vacation. Just rest and get better."

"Yes, I will." He was trying to be strong for her, Serena knew. "I'll not leave this earth yet, you know. You have to give me a grandchild first, so don't you worry about me."

"Just get better and I will. Darien and I will," she promised.

There was a hint of a smile on her father's face as he went to sleep again. Serena felt Molly embrace her from behind and turned to smile at her friend.

"He was doing his best to not make me feel worried," Serena said, still disoriented.

"Let's sit at the corridor and let him sleep," Molly suggested. "I'll buy us some coffee or hot chocolate from the vending machine. Let's wait for Darien there, shall we? I'm sure Dr. Masters will give good news."

Serena nodded and walked with Molly outside toward the seating area near the vending machine. Molly gave the first cup to Serena and waited for hers.

Just as Molly was going to sit beside Serena, they saw Alain Ledger walking down the corridor toward them.

"I called Darien's apartment and the housekeeper informed me your father wasn't well. I'm here if you need me."

"Thank you." Serena meant what she said, but she knew in her heart that she wished Alain hadn't come. "My Dad's much better." She wished she could tell Alain that he didn't need to be there.

"That's good news."

Serena was sure Alain was going to say something more, but she interrupted him. "Please excuse us, Alain, Molly and I were just going to meet my husband. He's with the doctors right now."

She could see Alain tense as he stepped aside.

Serena couldn't care if she were quite sharp with Alain, but she wanted to see Darien very much, and not just because of her father, either. There had been so many misunderstandings between them and she didn't want Alain to continue to be one of those.

Serena recognized Darien's form standing inside the doctors' private clinic as the door was slightly ajar. He turned at their approach, his expression hard. Serena couldn't help the hurt from leaping into her eyes. She wanted to see the tenderness and encouragement that had been there earlier.

NEVER BROKEN: A SailorMoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now