Doctor's Orders

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Amy was surprised to see Darien in her clinic that day. Not because he didn't have an appointment. Family didn't care about those things. Well, she was sure, not in this case. She noticed that her younger secretary, Anne, was playing demure to get Darien's attention. Her other secretary was fifty years old. Amy hired her because the old lady was level-headed and dependable in a case like this one.

Well, Anne was just a decade too late. And Amy was certain that Darien could see through the façade.

"Is Amy here?" he asked in his cool baritone.

"Yes, Sir. May I know your name?" Anne asked.

"Mr. Shields," Amy interrupted before she had the girl flinging her unwanted attention on her 'rich' brother. She smiled inwardly at her own joke.

Darien's arched brow was his only answer to his sister who had just come out of her private rooms. "Do you have time for coffee?" he asked.

"Sure. Wait, I'll just get my bag," she said and was not more than two minutes.

They went to the café across the hospital.

"This is very unusual. We don't really... talk anymore, you know." Amy sipped her tea.

"I know."

"Yes. Is something bothering you?"

"You could tell, huh?" He gave the semblance of a smile.

"I try." She looked at her brother. Aside from their blue-black hair and dark blue irises, they were far from similar.

Amy was sure she got her cool temperament and classic looks from her dad's side of the family. Darien on the other hand inherited their mother's attractiveness and passionate nature. His ability was in hiding it well beneath a cool exterior that was the family's trademark. Their relationship could never be mistaken. He was a Shields through and through.

"How was Serena during her miscarriage?" she heard him ask and was quite stunned at the restraint in his voice.

"You were there. You saw her." She looked away and breathed deeply.

"I wasn't and you knew it," he answered harshly.

She smirked and looked at him. "Feeling guilty, Darien? What would have happened if Raye was with you on that business trip? Would you have left Serena after?" She saw Darien pale.

"She was the one who wanted to be free. Do you know what she told me? That she didn't care if I were loyal to her or not." He sounded really angry.

"And you believed her. I don't want to tell this to you but since we've begun this conversation and I know you're very busy, I'll say my piece once and for all."

Darien narrowed his eyes at his sister. "What are you hinting at?" He hadn't noticed that his coffee had gone cold unattended.

"You should have had the guts to tell your wife that you are seeing your secretary. Have you any idea how you hurt that poor girl when she learned from me that you were together in some damned conference and she was the last to know?" She couldn't blame Raye. "Oh, wait, Serena made it appear to me that she forgot. That you told her all about it and she simply forgot." She smiled sarcastically.

Amy knew her friend was more than half in love with Darien the moment she introduced the two. And she was feeling guilty now because she was the one that always excused Raye. She was Raye's reason for being there. But, no, Raye didn't use her. Amy was not dumb. She wouldn't let Raye. And her friend could fend for herself.

"You believe that I'm having an affair with my secretary?" Darien asked, incredulous.

"Aren't you?"

NEVER BROKEN: A SailorMoon FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt