Into the Fire

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"I did not come here to discuss my private life," Serena interrupted the two men.

"I thought so," Darien said, looking satisfied with her answer.

Damn him, Serena thought. She tried to focus on what he was saying as he was speaking again.

"I did not need Ami's medical opinion to know that it was a miscarriage. I've lived with my wife long enough to know that she wouldn't hurt a fly much less my child."

Diaim looked away, as if hurt by the fact that 'they' lived together. Then he motioned for a staff to pick up his daughter and bring Bea to the babysitter.

Serena blinked a few times to remove the stinging in her eyes. Did Darien really say that? So what was the reason he released her? It couldn't be because she asked that of him alone!

"Really," Diam asked. "If you thought that, I wonder what made your secretary contact me to confirm if your wife," he emphasized, "had an abortion."

This time, she could not help turning her head to look at Darien. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She consciously closed her mouth and breathed deeply.

"How could you?" she managed to utter a while later.

"I asked her to do no such thing!" Darien hissed. He turned to Diam. "I wonder what you told Raye for her to tell me it was an abortion," he demanded.

Diam gave a short disbelieving laugh. "Naturally, I told her it was none of her business. And that if Mr. Lawson cared enough, you would be the one to call me."

"Of course I cared!" Darien almost barked.

I was right, Diam thought to himself. The man loves Serena. Only, he didn't know if Darien realized it. And damn if I would be the one to make him see it!

"Will you two stop talking as if I'm not here?" she objected. "Diam, I'll call you when I've decided about your offer." She picked up her purse on the table.

"No, you're not. We'll end this conversation here and now," Darien coolly interjected. "Dr. Masters, there is no way my wife is working for you. She doesn't need to."

Serena uttered a protest. "Since when did you come back into my life and have the right to decide for me?"

"Since now," he calmly responded. "Tell me, Dr. Masters, did you think I would not support my wife's needs?"

"It's not Reena who needs supporting. It's James," Diam replied in kind.

"Darien, our guests are asking for you," Raye suddenly appeared.

"Tell them to wait. Better yet, cancel the meeting if you can't handle it."

Serena sourly noted his secretary's use of Darien's first name. She could feel the woman looking at her and she raised her chin. "Don't do it on my account. He will be joining you shortly."

"Since when did you start running my business for me?" Darien turned to her.

Is he smiling? "Since now," she answered, irritated. Her hand tightened on the purse which was now on her lap.

Much to her surprise, Darien laughed. Diam could also see the humor in the talk but it was not turning in his favor.

"You heard my wife, Raye. Call Andrew. He can handle them."

"I... I can do it." Raye sounded flustered and walked back to the executives' table.

"Your secretary is remarkable," Diam commented.

"So I've been told," Darien retorted. "But I'm the boss here. And I say my wife and I need to talk privately. Would you excuse us, Doctor?"

"Sure." He rose from his seat and stopped Reena from doing the same. "You know how to reach me." He bid her goodbye and walked away from them.

Serena was fuming. "Why did you do that? I have nothing to say to you."

"Well, I have plenty. And do you honestly want me to believe that you'll work for him?" Darien asked.

"Why shouldn't I? It's not as if I have a lot of offer these days. And none of them are as considerate as Diam's."

"No, you're not going to work for any man. Not if I can help it."

"Well, that ends it. You can't."

"Says who? Why didn't you come to me when things have been rough?"

"And make them rougher? Mind your own business."

"You are my business."

"I'm not!" she returned. "I stopped being your business when... Listen, I don't know why you're offering help now. It's unlike you."

"Let's say I'm being amicable. For old times' sake?" He smiled, but it was a bitter one.

"I don't believe you."

"Believe what you want. I'll not offer twice." His eyes turned stone cold. He stood up to leave her. Again.

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