Painful Past

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It was five years ago when she had met Darien. She was barely nineteen, and acting hostess to the party at their mansion. It was one of those usual gatherings of the rich and famous businessmen who also took time to relax and enjoy life.

Serena was wearing the soft blue gown that has a silver sheen to it. She stood arrested when their eyes suddenly met. It was almost magical—fated. There was a sensuality in his gaze that disturbed her and made her retreat to the balcony upstairs.

She had forgotten the crystal glass of white wine that she had unconsciously carried and placed atop the cold marble balustrade. She stared into the darkness that had enveloped the silent veranda.

He looked so handsome. Despite the darkness, she could swear his eyes were blue. She once read a novel where the heroine was asking why heroes always seemed to have piercing eyes. He was so... self-possessed, so confident. Dangerous? She could still feel his presence even now that she's alone.

She felt a strange prickling sensation on her nape that she turned around and found him behind her. She almost gasped aloud.

He asked her to dinner the following night and she agreed. He phoned her regularly after that. On their third evening together, he gave her her first kiss. Light as it was, Serena felt like her bones were transformed into liquid fire. His kiss was painful in its sweetness. She would know later that thier intimacies in the succeeding days had been held in check by Darien.

She would have given him everything, had he demanded it of her. She honestly loved him.

It was after a dinner engagement at Gerhard Lawson's house when Darien proposed to her. They were in his grandfather's library. She had just met Ami and Darien's father. Ami was reserved and Donovan Lawson seemed kind. They did not look as if they were against the match and that was more than enough for Serena. She must have looked foolish in her happiness then.

"Will you marry me?" Darien asked.

It sounded so trite, so cold... but she didn't notice back then. She was so happy she was oblivious to almost everything.

"Oh, Darien..." She fingered the ring he was holding and Dariend ceremoniously slipped it on her finger, kissing her deeply but shortly afterwards.

She thought her father would be delighted but he appeared anxious at her news.

"Don't you think he's way too experienced for you?"

His choice of words made Sammy, her brother, laugh outright.

"Really, Father. I thought that's remarkable in a man."

Serena blushed at the insinuation.

"Samuel..." There was a hint of warning in their father's tone for the younger man.

It was a good thing she decided to get over this bit of info after and not during dinner. They were already having their dessert.

"Darien's seven years my senior but I don't think it matters. I love him."

"Way to go, Sere!" Samuel was smiling when she glanced at him, and she replied in kind.

"Don't put your heart too much in this match. You know that this is a business arrangement."

"You said so yourself that he doesn't have to marry me but he wants to."

"That's another. You've only been engaged for how long... ten days? And you're marrying him?" his tone was softer now.

"Dad, what is it really that you're worried about?" she asked. Sammy was looking at their father curiously.

"I'm not sure," he admitted. "I felt like I made a mistake introducing the two of you."

"I'll be fine," she assured him. "He'll make me happy. I'm very sure of it."

"He'd better," Sammy concluded.

The night before her wedding, she was patiently recalling the time when Darien had first said that he loved her—and realized that he hadn't said it. Not at all.

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