A Confused Me and You

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Serena opened the front door to let her husband in. She was waiting for him in the living room while watching a Disney movie. Their housekeeper, Mrs. Olsen, had left for the night. Serena was the one who cooked their dinner.

Darien walked toward the stairs, removing his dark gray overcoat. She took it from him, remembering the days when she really felt like she had the right to do such wifely duties. He knew she would follow him upstairs. Serena tried not to look at his wide shoulders and muscular back and focused on the steps as she ascended the stairs.

Why did she have to fall in love with him? He was so cold and complicated. He was changing when she entered their bedroom.

"I opened accounts in your name. Buy what you need. Even those that you feel you don't need. Take everything you fancy."

"You didn't have to do it," she answered, fingering his coat after hanging it in its place.

"Listen, Serena, I don't want people to look down on my wife."

She could feel his anger from where he was standing and it made her tremble literally.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you," she answered dryly. Before he could make a reply, she said, "I prepared your favorite roast chicken and steamed veggies. I'll go down and set the table."

He thanked her for the food, said it was delicious. She was a good cook, not as excellent as Lita, but her talent in the kitchen department was better than passable. Besides, she was well aware of his likes and dislikes. The same way that he knew her.

If she didn't speak a little every now and then, the silence would drive her crazy. She could feel Darien's eyes on her from time to time.

"I saw Ami today," he began.

She didn't know if that was a good topic.

"What did you talk about?" Serena asked when she found her voice.

"Your miscarriage."

She looked away. "I'm really sorry about that."

"I want you to know that there's nothing to forgive. It's not your fault. If it was, it could well have been mine."

She tried to smile. But it was a bitter shadow that crossed her face. "I don't know how I should feel. Maybe I'll forget in time."

"It hurt me just as much as it did you."

"Thank you for telling me that." Her voice was very low, barely recognizable.

"And I want to apologize for not being there for you."

"I saw enough of you. It was enough." She tried to smile at him. "Was that all that you talked about?"

"Ami told me that Seiya Kou is constantly asking for you, and that you saw a great deal of him before he went to Germany for his treatment."

Her eyes were enormous pools of blue. There was a silent threat in his voice.

"How much truth was there in that detail?" he continued.

"It's true as true can get," she answered honestly.

"So you're aware how he feels about you?"

"Yes." She saw him smirk.

"The man has no scruples letting Ami and the world know of his feelings for you. I saw him singing that song, you know." His statement made her head jerk in his direction. There was steel in it.

She should have remembered that Darien was there when Seiya sang that song during the concert at the hospital. Darien spoke Japanese fluently. He understood the lyrics completely.

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