Daily 10-A Beginning (TewDay)-Part 1

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SOTUS S Snippet


Tew x Day Short Tale

A Beginning - Part 1 

"Delivery is here sir," Day chuckled as he moved aside to let his senior into his apartment before closing the door. "I thought you were only joking! Didn't expect you to really come by a midnight snack," 

Standing in front him, Tew was smiling and looking handsome as usual in his office attire, handing him two packets of food. "Well you said you are tired studying and wanted something to eat so here, you have something to eat now. Your favorite chicken noodles," Day took the packets. 

"Take a seat then. Sorry for my messy room. I'll get these into bowls," Tew nodded and turned around. No matter how many times Tew visit this room, he always discover something new and today, he noticed that Day got another stack of books, piled on the floor. The study table is filled with papers and thick engineering books. He went over to take a peek of Day's notes. Neat handwriting and colorful highlights on key points here and there. Well, Tew always knew Day to be someone really serious. 

"P'Tew?" Day called out, carrying two bowls. He set them down on his coffee table. Tew quickly helped him clear away the table which was littered with empty snack packages. 

"Wow, someone binging on biscuits and potato chips khrub. Not too healthy," Tew teased. Day sighed.

"Well, I just didn't bother to go out for food when my finals starts tomorrow," 

Tew is shocked. "Wait, this means you haven't eaten anything but biscuits, potato chips and instant coffee?" Tew picked up an empty instant coffee can to make his point. Day sheepishly nodded. 

"Khun, this is poor diet, not when you are supposed to have energy to study for your finals. This is unacceptable. Does this mean, this chicken noodle is the first proper meal you had? And if I hadn't come at all, you wouldn't have eaten?" Tew started his usual preach. Day knew to pacify him if he were to eat in peace. 

"Well, I thought I will definitely eat a good breakfast before exams tomorrow, doesn't matter," Day tried to take a bit but Tew was not finished. 

"That's not an excuse. You know, if your family knows, they will worry. You are not eating well and with finals, I don't think you are sleeping well either," Tew continued. He pushed his bowl of chicken noodle to him, "Here," Day stared at  him. 


"Too many instant coffee cans around. You are to eat your chicken noodle and mine," Day smiled and pushed it back. 

"P, I can't finish two bowls of chicken noodles at this hour," Day pushed back but Tew pushed it nearer to him again. Tew glanced at the wall clock above the TV. It is past 11pm. 

"Well, fine then. You eat and then take some of mine. You eat more," Tew finished but just as he said that, his own stomach growled. Day laughed. 

"P'Tew, let's just eat ok? If I am still hungry, then...we'll think of something else ok? You didn't eat your dinner too right?" Day asked. Tew did told him he had overtime work to do so he guessed as much. 

"Well...you are important to me and you need more food," 

Day stopped. 

You are important to me. 

Recently Day started to notice how words coming from Tew start to mean to him. 

Their friendship definitely has blossomed from the time Day took Tew's hand and ran through the gates to escape the empty mall. Day found himself gradually opening himself up to Tew especially and with Tew's encouragement, learned how to improve his own social communications as well. Life was pretty good for Day the past year. Now even his second year is about to come to an end but one thing remained constant. Tew. 

Even after graduation, Tew remained closed with Day, often offering to help him with his school work or just spending time with him. Gradually, Day got used to having Tew around. Enjoy being with Tew even. Like tonight. They were texting the whole day in between Day's studying for his exams. To Day, it was fun and let him take much needed short breaks. He only casually mentioned that he was feeling like chicken noodle and Tew actually bought him chicken noodle and delivered the food all the way. 

At the beginning, he didn't think too much. He thought it was just Tew being friendly and Day thought it was admiration he was feeling towards Tew but recently those feelings felt much more. Day never had the courage to ask or did anything to test Tew's feelings but his gut feeling is telling him, Tew probably felt more than a friend. 

Day started to eat his noodle slowly. "P, why aren't you eating?" he asked after noticing Tew not touching his food. Tew smiled. 

"Nothing, just seeing you eat, I'm full already," Tew teasingly answered but his stomach growl betrayed him. Day laughed between his bites. 

"P'Tew, eat!"

"No, you eat," 

"If you don't eat then I'll have to force you to eat then," Day said in the moment, not realizing Tew really took up his offer and opened his mouth. 

"What?" Day stopped. He doesn't get it when Tew pointed to his mouth. 

"Ou, you said you want to force feed me, then do it then, ahhh," Tew opened his mouth bigger. This time Day felt his face getting warm. Him, feeding Tew? 

He took Tew's fork and spoon and pushed them to Tew. "Eat yourself," and then resumed to eating his own food. Tew laughed, finally taking up his eating utensils. 

"You are so mean na nong Day," Day choked. 

Nong Day. 

It has been a while since he last heard Tew calling him Nong Day. 

Tew, calling him nong, felt really....out. It was not like he hated it but he just felt, shy. This was how Tew usually teases him. Sometimes it was jokes. 

"Day?" Day looked up when he called. To his surprise, Tew lifted his thumb and gently wiped his lower lip area. Like cliché romantic movies, Tew licked his thumb in front of Day. Day swallowed and returned to his food, averting Tew's eyes. 


"Are you really going to behave like you did not notice Day?" Tew asked. 

No. Day heard it loud and clear alright but would tonight, now be the correct time to talk about this? 

Day is not ready. 


Yukichi's Note: I put Tew and Day for 4 years. This is one of the few shorts for me to finally end Sotus snippet collection. I love this couple but it was until only this week I finally hate the direction for the short story I want to write for Tew and Day. Hope to get this done by this month. 


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