Out of Scope 03-KISSING Snippet (Gay Love)

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Gay Love

Krist: So P'Sing, for our photoshoot today, P'Tay our photographer asked which mode do you want to go with?

Singto: What options do I have today?

Krist: Oh, we can go with the gay and fluffy or gay and passionate. Which do you feel like today?

Singto: What's the difference between gay and fluffy with gay and passionate?

Krist: Gay and fluffy means we just give each other fluttering eyes and giggle to each other. Gay and passionate is the full force skinship.

Singto: Are these the only options?

Krist: P'Tay only gave us these two options.

Singto: Can't he think of better modes?

Krist: I asked him that too. He said he was just considering what our girls and boys want.

Singto: Fine, let's go with gay and passionate.

Krist: Ok, cool, let' strip now.

Singto: Huh? Where are our costumes? I don't see any.

Krist: Oh, the gay and passionate costume is only a blanket.

Singto: Why did I bother asking.


Written: 20th December 2018

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