SOTUS Baby 05-The Taboo Question

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SOTUS Mpreg Snippet


The Taboo Question

Kong: Aim, what happened to your face? There's huge hand palm there.

Aim: Finally my turn to get asked the taboo question.

Kong: Oh, and?

Aim: I said no, you look the same as before. She accused me of saying she is fat from way before she is pregnant. Oh god, no husband can survive this question.

Kong: Well, perhaps you are not being specific enough with your answer. You do have the habit of being inaudible sometimes.

Aim: Let's see how you handle this. Your turn, your preggo wife is here.

Arthit: *wobbles with a big pregnant stomach* Ah! You know what? I tried on some pants and it wouldn't fit me. Do you think I am fat?

Kong: *deep breath and calming down* Oh honey, why would you say that?

Arthit: What do you mean? It's a question. You know I have been looking for pants that fit since the baby is growing but I couldn't find anything. It means I have gotten fat.

Kong: Arthit, my sun. Please listen to my explanation. To be honest, I don't find you fat. You look the size you are because our baby is growing inside you so it gives an illusion of a bigger silhouette.

Arthit: But....still, I can't find anything that fits. Plus I don't know if I can lose all this baby weight after it comes.

Kong: Well Arthit, if that's the case, I will accompany you to get in shape though I don't think you need to.

Arthit: Ok, that means I can have another glass of pink milk?

Kong: Well, it's your cheat day so I don't see why not since you did keep your promise not drinking too much sugar this week.

Arthit: Awww Kong. Thank you. You know what, I think I am gonna to get that momma pants. Will show you. See ya, bye Aim!

Kong: I look forward to seeing it. Aim and I will be right here sipping coffee.

Arthit: Ok. Oh Aim? May is still upset with you so she is swiping your credit card like crazy. Just a heads up.

Arthit leaves for shopping.

Aim: Wow.

Kong: Don't praise me. I was sweating like crazy the entire time.

Aim: I thought you got it under control!

Kong: Nothing is under control when it comes to my Arthit.

Aim: Whatever. I am broke now so buy me coffee.


Written: 22nd April 2018

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