Daily 09-A Journey (YongNai)-Chapter 2

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Yong X Nai Short Tale

A Journey- Chapter 2

As the commentator cheered through the radio, Nai also cheered happily inside the car. Once again, Yong had to accept his one and only team losing, again.

"Yay P, your team lost! See, didn't I tell you?" Nai smiled brightly like he won the lottery, his hands high up touching the car ceiling, cheering. Yong shook his head and sighed.

"Look, my team was out of shape today. If some of the key players were in shape, they could have won," Yong attempted to defend his team while still concentrate to drive on dimly lit highway.

"Still P, you owe me another meal in Chiangmai now. A deal's a deal," Nai reminded and stretched himself. He took his phone, which he ignored to concentrate on the game. The time showed a quarter past 2:00 am.

"Wow P, look at the time, it's already past midnight and...we are only halfway there," Nai said after he looked at the nearest signboard. Yong smiled.

"What do you expect? The game tonight lasted about 3 hours and we left Bangkok late because of the bad traffic,"

"But it was fun na, listening the game with you. Thank you P," Yong turned in time to see Nai smiling at him shyly. Yong felt his heart beating faster. Yong looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment. He wasn't sure why he was being shy around this junior of his. He cleared his throat.

"Why, are you thanking me again? You already did , a lot of times before we started the journey," Yong asked.

"Well...just...because...I want to...umm...P...can I play some songs aloud?" Nai asked, obviously trying to avoid answering Yong's question properly.

Without waiting for Yong's permission, Nai connected his phone wireless to the car audio system and chose his songs.

Soft jazz started playing.

Yong felt his heartbeats quicken again. Nai actually chose Yong's favorite music genre, jazz. This definitely meant something. Nai, who usually preferred heavy metal or rock chose jazz, and picked sexy romantic jazz with lots of saxophone.

"Since when do you like jazz?" Yong asked, trying to fill the slightly awkward silence between them.

Nai, staring out of the window, "Gradually since you recommended me some,"

Short and simple answer but that hinted a lot. Yong left it as it is and continued driving. They enjoyed the music in silence.

Then again, driving long distance consume energy and can be challenging. Even more for Yong who did overtime the night before and didn't know he will be driving a junior he likes home for 8 hours. So when he swerved a little on the now empty highway from sleepiness, both Nai and Yong knew it's time for a break.

Yong stopped them at a nearby busy rest area, still bustling with on the go tourists. Nai stretched himself when Yong parked somewhere dimmer.

"I'll go get us coffee after the bathroom break. How about you P'Yong?" Nai asked. Yong couldn't stop his yawning.

"I'm good, you go ahead. I'll just take a nap. Wake me when you got my coffee ok?" Yong said sleepily. He recline his seat and tried to get comfortable. Nai smiled and got down.

By the time he returned to the car, Yong was sound asleep, lightly snoring. As Nai carefully put the coffee he bought on the cup holders, he grabbed his jacket from the back seat and gently covered it on Yong. He continued to stare at the older man.

Nai smiled to himself. After this evening, he was certain of his feelings for this man. When he went to the office for the last time today, he heard from P'Durian from HR that P'Yong did overtime the night before. The fact that Yong agreed to send him home, no, jumped at the chance to send him home, meant just one thing. The older man cared for Nai. Nai could be wrong but to him, that felt a lot like love and he hoped it wasn't one sided.

Recalling himself, it was an accidental spurt when Nai said he has something to discuss with Yong. Perhaps, it would be safe to bring it up when he reached the comfort of his home in a few hours. .

Nai decided to leave the thinking for later as he recline his seat. Before he let himself doze off, he took one more last look at the sleeping Yong and smiled.


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