Daily 07-No Boundaries

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No Boundaries

Two years have passed.

Arthit wasn't sure what he was feeling at the moment. Excited? Anxious? Happy? Longing? Guilty? Perhaps all the above, as he paced the arrival hall up and down.

Today is the day Kongpobe finally comes back to Thailand after two years of Masters' studies in China. It was supposed to be a happy and tear jerking reunion if they did not argue just three days ago. Since then Arthit didn't dare to respond to any messages or video calls from Kong.

The past three days, the more Arthit thought of it, the more he regretted his outburst. No, he wasn't wrong but Kong wasn't wrong either. Both of them have their valid points. Kong being Kong, he did his best to explain his views but Arthit being Arthit, his temper got the better of him.

Hence, the awkward anticipation.

The digital arrival board showed the plane carrying Kong from China has already landed a long while ago. That means Kong will come out anytime. Arthit checked his smartphone. The last message from Kong was to inform him he boarded the plane.

Arthit swallowed. How do you greet someone you just have an argument with three days ago? Pretend like nothing happened?

"Hey, Kong, it's nice to see you! I missed you?" And then followed by a kiss?

Or an apology and a kiss?

"Kong, I am sorry I was an ass. Here, let me take your bag and can I kiss you?" Arthit repeated it to himself. Maybe he should kiss Kong on the cheek. A mouth to mouth in public, may be a little too much. Decided. Arthit should apologize first.

Before he could do anything, he felt a hug from behind.

"KONG!" Arthit immediately turned. Indeed, it was Kong who hugged him.

"Arthit," Arthit suddenly missed hearing his name coming out of Kong's mouth. Kong' face, slightly contorted with feelings.

"I'm sorry,"

Both said the same time. Then, both started to smile and laughed a little. Arthit knew it then. Kong felt the same.

"I am sorry Arthit, I didn't mean to upset you," Kong said first.

"No, I'm sorry too. I didn't give you a chance to explain your points...," Arthit replied.

Kong smiled, "Means, you aren't mad with me anymore?"

Arthit nodded.

"Look Kong, I just didn't want to text you over the phone, I thought I should explain this when we meet. I just want to say, no matter what your decision is about the job offer in China, I will support you," Arthit said.

"You mean you are ok if I take the offer?"

"Yes, we will just do what we have been doing these few months, traveling to see each other, across borders," Arthit smiled.

"You don't mind doing that? For me?" Kong asked again.

"Kong, to make us work, I don't mind. I don't want to fight with you unnecessarily again, over issues like these. Between you and me, there shouldn't be any misunderstands anymore," Arthit said, determined.

"Means, our love should know no boundaries?"

Arthit smiled shyly and hugged Kong.

"Yeah, our love shouldn't have any boundaries. We should love each other no matter where we are," Arthit said.

"I'll wait for you no matter where you are and no matter how long Kong,"

Arthit let go and said. Kong felt his heart melt looking at his sun.

"I am glad you wouldn't have to wait too long then,"

"What do you mean?"

"The job offer included me training in China for 6 months and then after, I get to transfer back to the Bangkok branch. I was about to tell you the Bangkok part before you ended the call,"

Arthit felt heat up his face. Yup, he definitely still needed to work on his temper.

"Ok, my bad, I'm sorry...how...can I make it up to you?" Arthit said, biting his lips.

"Well, for starters, I need you to kiss me on the lips and then I need you to cook me my favorite dish,"


"And then maybe shower with me,"


And that's how Arthit and Kong make their relationship work.


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