SOTUS Baby 03-Model Dad

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SOTUS Mpreg Snippet


Model Dad

Aim: Yo Kong, May just texted. She wants me to pick up milk powder for our girls. You want to come along?

Kong: Sure, I can pick up groceries on the way home too. I'm cooking for Arthit today.

At the supermarket, Kong begins to pile up on organic eggs, milk and strawberries.

Aim: Dude, are you buying for an army? That's way more eggs, milk cartons and strawberries.

Kong: Arthit is doing all the hard work being pregnant with our baby. And during this pregnancy, all he is craving are my egg omelets.

Aim: Ai'Kong, you can't cook to save your life! You only have good looks, good brains, rich and attentive. I'm amazed P'Arthit is surviving your cooking.

Kong: True that. Actually, the only thing I can make is egg omelette. For some reason, Arthit insists on eating it so that's all I cook for him. I'm pretty good with egg omelette now.

Aim: Yeah, I know how pregnancy can make people have weird food cravings. You know May...never mind. Let's not spoil appetite. Then, what about the strawberries?

Kong: Oh, I am making my own version of pink milk for Arthit. Our doctor Kit advised against too much sugar but fruits and milk are fine. He even approved my recipe and certify it safe and healthy for our baby.

Aim: Dude, can you stop being so perfect? You are setting the standards way too high for us normal dudes to follow.

Kong: Aim, if you love someone enough, you do all these for free and still not think it's enough.

Aim: Dude, seriously, ok, I get it. You are the model husband. Now let's go get some beer.

Kong: Aim, you really shouldn't be drinking beer, you are a dad now so drinking at home is not exactly a healthy thing to do. You should eat more fruits instead.

Aim: Dude! Ok, you know what? Let's get more strawberries.

At MayAim's home

May: Wow! Why did you buy all these strawberries for?

Aim: Oh, Kong suggested that we should eat more fruits. Health and all.

May: Aim. I'm happy you are thinking of our health but this is all useless.

Aim: But these are all organic.

May: Yes, I know honey but in case your forgot, you are your daughters are allergic to strawberries.

Aim: Oh...

May: Yeah. So this is going to my mother. Good night darling.


  Written: 6th February 2018  

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