SOTUS Baby 04-Kong's Dear Diary 01

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SOTUS Mpreg Snippet


Dear Diary,

I used to wonder to myself if I can't love my sun more and more. After tonight, I think I am falling even more in love with my sun.

I came home late tonight. When I reached our home, I found my angel fast asleep on our couch. On our dining table was a cup of herbal tea he made for me.

On purpose or not, my very pregnant sun waited up for me to come home (not that he will admit it openly).

Living with this person for a long few years, I learned to accept that he doesn't show his affection through direct words. Rather he shows it through his actions and thoughts.

I know because when I carry him to our bedroom, he already prepared my pajamas and towel for me to shower.

He didn't fuss much when I tucked him to bed. I know he must be very tired working, carrying our first born and taking care of our house and taking care of me.

Watching him sleep is one of my favorite thing to do. I don't think I have ever told him this but I love nothing more than to watch him sleep. That peaceful sleeping face, I usually forget my work troubles just by looking at him.

I love Arthit very very much and I will never stop loving him.


P/S Note: Kongpobe! Stop being creepy and stare at me while I sleep.


Written: 20th February 2018

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