Daily 09-A Journey (YongNai)-Chapter 4

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Yong X Nai Short Tale

A Journey- Chapter 4

"Wow...," Yong said while admiring Nai's room which was decorated with football memorabilia. Yong was attracted by a shelf full of comic books at the corner. Nai smiled as he put his and Yong's bag pack down the floor and approached Yong.

"Saw anything you like P?" Nai ask

"Captain Tsubasa comics, full volumes. I believe this influenced your interest in football?," Yong gently brushed through the volumes with his fingers.

"Yup, took me long enough to collect them. My mom threw some of them many times and I have to rebuy them many times until she gave up," Nai said proudly. Yong shifted his attention around the room.

"Are you tired P? Do you want to nap?" Nai asked, Yong shook his head.

"I only have a night here and I rather go try local food around here than waste time sleeping. Besides you promised to show me the best shops around here," Yong reminded.

Nai beamed, "Ok, then let me just change out this shirt and pants and then we are good to go," Nai said quickly and before Yong could react, Nai already took off his shirt right in front of him and headed to his cupboard to pull out another change of clothes.

Yong could not help but stare. It was definitely not Yong's first time seeing a naked man but this was Yong's first time seeing the almost naked body of his crush. Nai's body for his age was well toned and looked athletic. Suddenly feeling shy, he looked away back to the comic shelf to give Nai some privacy.

"P, do you want to change? It's hot today," Yong turned again to see Nai in a tank top that barely covered his slightly tanned skin and the shorts just highlighting his skinny toned legs. Yong unconsciously gulped.

"Yeah, sure, of course, I should change," Yong said slowly.

Nai nodded,"Ok, then I'll just meet you downstairs. You can come down when you are done. If you need the bathroom, my room has one, this is the door," Nai pointed to a door Yong never noticed. Yong nodded and Nai left him by himself. Yong looked around the room again. Yong let out a sigh of relief and then started to pull out something more comfortable to change into.

When he got down, Nai took him to the dining room where there were already a few people sitting around the dining table. Nai introduced them all.

"P'Yong, these are my siblings, my oldest brother and his wife, this is my sister and her girlfriend, my younger brother and younger sister. I am in the middle. Por will come in for lunch later," Yong wai-ed everyone as Nai introduced them and took his seat beside Nai. Nai's mother and father joined them with huge plates of food. Being the guest, Yong got the most food piled on his plate. Yong noticed Nai was the quietest amongst his siblings who are all enjoying their food and conversation all at once. Yong enjoyed being in big families since he himself came from one as well.

"Let me help with the dishes," Yong offered but Nai's mother insisted he should go sit with Nai instead.

"Since mom doesn't need your help, do you want to take a walk around town maybe for dessert?" Nai asked. Yong could only agree. So both of them took a stroll around the neighborhood.

The sun was kind to them as their afternoon was just the right warmth with gentle breeze from time to time. They enjoyed both window shopping and food tasting around shops Nai recommended. Yong was amazed how much Nai can eat after such a hefty lunch back home.

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