Daily 04-Bright's Future

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Bright's Future

Kong: P'Arthit khrub, I bought you pink milk. Hope you have a good day, I'll see you after school.

Arthit: *Trying not to show too obvious he is happy* Yeah, whatever. Just go. I'll see you after school.

Bright, who is sitting beside Arthits sighs.

Arthit: What's with you?

Bright: Nothing, nothing, nothing. I'm just a poor lonely guy who has to witness my best friend being super romantic cheesy with his boyfriend.

Arthit: What, don't you have your Nong Pinky who was your new girl since last week?

Bright: That was last week. This week, Nong Pinky dumped me for that asshole Jim from class 2.

Arthit: Oh my, isn't this a bit too much? This is like your 5th girlfriend in 3 months. It's like you are changing your underwear.

Bright: Shut up! Sigh... this is the luck of being too handsome. I'm destined to be alone forever.

Arthit: *Almost chokes on his pink milk* Dude, that's too melodramatic. Look, you just got to look harder for the right one.

Toota: OR, you can just play on our side. *Toota appears with his plate of food, taking his seat beside the two*

Arthit: Yeah, why don't you try dating a boy for a change?

Bright: And let my butt being poked? Nope, no thank you *Both Toota and Arthit smack Bright's head*

Bright: Ouch! You guys are so mean! Fine, I'm off to go emo myself somewhere. So much for BFFs.

Bright storms off. Arthit shakes his head.

Toota: You know, sometimes, Bright is even more drama queen than us, and already I am a queen and you the hot tempered queen. I hope he gets someone feisty who can bitch slap this idiot out of his senses.

Arthit: Don't count on it. The day someone has the talent to train this idiot is the day world peace happens.

Toota: Sounds about right.


Written: 28th May 2018

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