Daily 10-A Beginning (TewDay)-Part 2

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SOTUS S Snippet


Tew x Day Short Tale

A Beginning - Part 2

"Are you really going to behave like you did not notice Day?" Tew asked.

Day looked up again. His first instinct, diversion.

"Wh-what, are you talking about P? Eat your noodle," Day quickly sipped his soup and ate his noodle. As noisily as he could. He stopped again when Tew only stared at him. He felt most uncomfortable.

Fine, since Tew brought this up and seem to want to talk about this, let's. Day finished his last bites of noodle, held the bowl and gulped down the remaining soup and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Tew chuckled at his antics.

"See, told you you are hungry. Here, have some more," Tew pushed his bowl to him again. Day pushed it back. "Chicken noodle can wait," Tew looked at him again, unsure.

"Let's talk," Day said. Tew smiled. The usual straight to the point Day. Tew nodded.

"About?" He asked on purposed but laughed when Day gave him his what-the-heck look, "haha, alright, alright. Let's talk. About us," Tew stopped laughing and tried to resume his seriousness. Day took a deep breath and nodded too.

"Do you want to start or me?" Tew asked. Day bit his lip before answering, "I'll go first," Tew nodded to signal Day to go first.

"What do you mean by what you said? Notice what P?" Day asked.

"My feelings for you. That I feel something for you. More than just friends, more than just same line number junior and senior, more than just normal p nong. There," Tew simplified his answer. With Day, direct is the key.

Day blushed. He wasn't sure what he was feeling hearing those words from Tew. "Since when?"

Tew smiled. "If you remember asking me what do I take you as after our line number batch meetup? Before that, I thought I was curious about you as a senior would an introvert junior who was pretty adamant to not participate in any group activities but after the meetup, what you said, made me think. So that was what I did,"

Tew took Day's right hand and gave it a squeeze. Tew waited to see if Day will pull away. He smiled when he didn't.

"You didn't withdraw your hand away. Does this means you feel the same as I?" Day didn't know how to answer. Gradually, he pulled his hand away.

Tew's smile faded with the withdrawal. "Day...?"

Day swallowed one more time and took a deep breath to gather his thoughts.

"P...I, really don't know what to say...," Day said. Tew only chuckled.


"Stop it!"

"Wouldn't, because you are cute,"


"Ah, ah, ok, I'll stop," chuckles to laughs now. Day pouted. The usual tease just when he tried to be serious.

"Do you want to continue khrub?" Tew asked after regaining his composure. 

"Look P, it's just kind of sudden to hear someone you think is a close friend suddenly tell you they feel something more than a friend to you," Day said. Half true and Day knew it but he sure is not ready to admit the rest. That he started to feel something more too, just like Tew.

Tew nodded gently. "Look Day, I don't expect anything between us to change. What I said just now was just to test you and I was actually ready for you to freak out and call it a joke but I was glad you didn't. We get to talk instead. So...moving on, like I said, nothing between us needs to change. We can continue doing things that we do like we do now,"

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