35.Go Away

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Type run towards his room...he has hurt coz of what Tharn did and scared what his mother said...

Type: what I will do how I will save my baby...what if she does the same what she did last time...this time mew is also not here to save me...Type was sitting in the pool area waiting for Mew though he knew he will not come...but he is hoping for him to come....please baby come...please...I need you....

Mom: Tharn I am sorry but I couldn't control myself I missed my mew so much and I felt that if I see his baby I will feel better I am sorry she cried hard...why did he do that to me...I never accepted him coz my mew was far from me but now when I am ready to accept him give him the motherly love...wanted to support him in his tough time why he is doing this to me...

Tharn: mom please don't cry I am sorry for what Type did....please don't mind him... his health, as well as his mental state, is not in the correct order...his hormones are also not helping him...see that's why I told you not to come here....I am sorry Mom...I will bring him to you soon and I am sure he will surely apologize....he is very decent but I don't know why he behaved so violently...

Mom: It's okay...I can understand I am also a mother...I should go...please take care of him son...and to my grandchild...

She left and thought...this is not the time if anything happens to him the child will get affected but I will show him his real place....my Tharn will never let me down....

Tharn go immediately to Type's room and knocked on the door...Type ...Type...please open the door...but Type didn't open..tharn tried so long and at last he left in anger....

Tharn: I was happy that the meeting was cancelled I will spend time with Type but what I see is not right...why he did that....he never listens to me.....why doesn't he understand that mom is also going through the same thing...if he has lost his husband mom has also lost his son...Tharn drank too much that he didn't realise when he comes back home...

The next day Tharn get up in the afternoon by the reminder he saw the reminder...oh shit...today I have to take Type to the doctor...he gets up and gets ready and went to Type room...

He saw the maids are standing there scared ..

Tharn: what happened??

Maids: Sir, Type sir has not come out of his room from last night and he didn't eat anything....

Tharn: what?? And why didn't you told me this earlier...

Maids: sir you forgot your phone at home and when you came you were too drunk I tried to talk but you didn't listen to me...and I was waiting for you to get up since from morning...your door was locked....

Tharn: Type ....open the door...Type...Tharn panicked...Type didn't answer...Tharn again said if you don't open the door I will use the key and come inside but before he can do anything he heard from Type...if you ever dare to come in front of me without my permission I will kill myself with this baby Tharn Gold...go away if you want your mew's baby to be safe....leave me alone...

Tharn was shocked to hear that...Type there is nothing we can't talk about...please open the door...okay I am sorry, please Type talk to me...and for god, sake eat something...we have doctor's appointment too...

Type didn't answer...but he reacted when the maid said...Type sir...can you open the door and take this breakfast .... it's not good for your health to be hungry for such a long period...

Tharn saw Type opened the door still hiding behind the door let the maid push the food trolley inside Type's room and closed the door before Tharn can say anything...

Tharn tried to talk for some time but Type didn't talk and at last, he asked the maid to take Type to the doctor's clinic for a checkup...

Type agreed when Maid said that Tharn will not come with them and as he is already going to the office so he won't see him...

The whole day Tharn was restless ...he wanted to talk to Type..he wanted to make him understand that what he did with Tharn's mom was not right...and wanted to apologize for slapping him but the maids inform him that he is not ready to come out...don't want to see you...

Tharn called the doctor to ask how is Type's progress...the gynecologist said that he is good but needs rest and not eating for so long is not right...and when he calls the psychiatrist she said..

Doc: Tharn you maid just informed me that you and he have some argument but whatever happened fixed it soon...today Type didn't speak a single word...not even he greeted hello to me...I tried my best but he was sitting there like a dead body...and when I said the session is over he gets up and went.. Please tried to talk to him...

Tharn: I tried but he is not ready to talk...he is being so stubborn...and he said he will do something if I tried to be near him ...

Doc: That means you hurt him more than he ever expected Tharn....people are hurt when they get attached to someone...but if you can't talk to him then let Mew talk...if he won't say what's in his mind it will affect his health and he needs someone Tharn...specially mew...

Tharn: hmm...how can I forget this..I will talk to him as Mew...I will talk to him...

Author's Note

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