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Type: Brother I want to go to my room please let me go...I am not comfortable with you being so close...

Tharn: Then why you are breathing so heavily, why your body is not saying the same as what your lips just uttered...

Type: Brother....please ..

Tharn: what please Type...tell me you don't feel anything for me...

Type: aahh..Type didn't hear what Tharn said coz he just experienced something amazing...

Tharn: What happened? ...type you okay..is the baby okay...

Type: he looked at Tharn...brother he kicked..Type took Tharn's hand and put it in his stomach ..he kicked...the tears formed in Type as well as Tharn's eyes...they looked at each other and smiled...

After few minutes both are sitting on the bed both have their hands on Type's stomach they are smiling like idiots...

Tharn: again..Type he again kicked...aww my footballer...Type thank you so much... I am really happy today...

Type: looked at Tharn...why are you thanking me, brother....

Tharn: For giving me such a beautiful gift...this is so amazing Type...I experienced his first kick...

Type: ahhh..stop baby...he looks at tharn and said ask your footballer to stop kicking...

Tharn: Baby momma asking to stop..when you will come out I will buy you a football ground where you can play as much as you can...but now don't trouble momma...

Type I think we should shift in the big home...baby needs big playground...and baby should have a badminton court too...I will buy a big property so that I can make a big playground for baby to play ...where he can play whatever he likes...

Type: Brother this home is enough for baby..and I am not going to stay here for eternity...I will move to my and mew house after the birth coz I have to start my cafe...

Tharn: No, I told you Type I don't want you to go ...I don't want this baby to stay away from me...

Type: Brother we don't belong here..you have to get married one day you will have your own family we are not your family.... when type said this he himself felt pain in his heart.. Coz in this whole world, only Mew and Tharn took very care of Type.. When he was with Mew he never missed his family and the same with Tharn ... sometimes Type didn't find any difference between Mew and Tharn coz tharn took care of Type the way Mew used to do and he is so good to him, ...but now he realized that Tharn and his caring nature will not be with him ...someone will come into his life and Type and his baby has to live alone...

Tharn: Type I won't marry anyone ever...Just let me be the father of this baby..Type do you want this baby to be without a father...I know you will play the part of both the parent very well but don't you think this baby needs a strict mother who always take the best decision for his son and a crazy dad who is ready to spoil him...please Type let me that crazy father...

Type: But brother I can't stay here, I want to start my cafe, work my own, earn money and live on my condition...

Tharn: then who told you that you can't live on your condition here... I have asked you not to work now coz of this child...but after the birth, you can start your cafe..earn money, the baby will always be called as Audrey, I just want to be part of this baby's life...and I don't want you to to go and live there alone Type...

Type: Brother...I don't want you to stuck for us...you can come and meet this baby anytime...I will ask you before taking any decision for the baby's life....

Tharn: sit down on the floor and touched Type's tummy...Type don't you feel at home here ..did I ever trouble you...I am ready to change but please don't leave me ... I mean after mew I feel really lonely...I also have only you and this baby...can't you stay here forever...

Type: Brother...I also don't have anyone in my life...but it's not right...what people will talk about me and what this baby has to go through if I stay here...

Tharn: Then marry me Type if you think people will think bad about us then I am ready to get married Type...I will give you all the happiness...I will give this baby everything which he deserves...but please Type don't leave me...

Type: Brother, stop it what are you talking about...you are my husband's brother how can I even think of marrying you... it's not right.... type tried to get up...but Tharn stands immediately to stop Type... due to which Type lost his balance he was about to fall on the bed but Tharn catch him...and result in they both fall...they both are on the bed Tharn is above Type....

Type: Brother let me go...

Tharn: stop calling me brother Type I hate it when you call me brother ...

Type: Type is not comfortable Tharn being so close and what they just talked about is also too much for Type..he knew on which road this all is going...and he wants to avoid the situation and run from all these...his heartbeat is beating fast...please get up let me go...

Tharn: Type I don't just see you as Mew's husband but I have feelings for you...don't you feel the same for me...That touched Type's lips...don't you feel there is something between us which we can't avoid...and that is pulling us towards each other....

Type: Brother please get up let me go....and stop all this, please...

Tharn: why you always run from the truth why you don't face the situation Type ...avoiding something is not gonna make any situation better.....

Type: Push Tharn a bit and get up...what you wanna talk brother...I guess you forgot that I am your brother's husband... don't you feel shame asking me to marry you...your brother died 8 months back and you are asking his husband to marry you...telling him that you feel for him...and what should I call you if not brother...sweety, baby...you are not even gay brother so how can you like me... you are doing all this just for this child..I am so done with all this...I wanted to go to my home that's it I can't stay here with you...

Author's Note

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Love Stories

I hate my Husband

I hate my Husband 2

I hate my husband 3

I love you  My Doctor

In love With my Secretary

In love with my secretary 2

In love with my secretary 3

I Still Love You

My Brother's Husband.

My Brother's Husband 2.

Mother of my baby.

𝑴𝒚 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅 2 (Completed)(Mpreg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora