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Tharn called Type twice to know when he is coming and Type showed as he doesn't care and he is not interested...meanwhile in the cafe..

Type: Is this the time you come to your work...I told you I have to go early today...

Employee: Sorry sir my class didn't end in time...

The employee works a part-time job here he needed money to support his education and Type helped him...but today he called him early so that he can go to the mall and buy some decent dress for himself...but now he is super late so it is not possible...

Type: Now I have to wear anything and I will look so average...Tharn didn't even tell me the occasion or where he is planning to take me now how I decide what to wear..

Type went home...saw Mew running towards him...he took Mew in his arms...shower all his love to his baby...then he took him to the kitchen make him sit on the kitchen slab and prepared a healthy and yummy brunch for his little tummy...

Type was feeding baby Mew when he saw Tharn coming down..

Tharn: baby when did you return I was waiting for you only..

Type: Why you were waiting for me...?? What do you want...and why are you at home..you didn't go to the office today??

Tharn: Smiled no baby I didn't go to the office and he pouted in the next moment...why are you asking why I was waiting don't you know I asked you out...?? .. I was waiting for you for so long...

Type: I also waited for you the whole night Tharn ...

Tharn: Baby I am sorry na...now please go up and get ready its already 5 pm...

Type: where are you planning to take me..

Tharn: That's a surprise...I can't tell you now...

Type: and how am I suppose to understand what kind of dress I have to wear...

Tharn: you wear anything baby you look gorgeous in everything...The maids started giggling ....

Type: Gave them a deathly glare and asked to take Mew for an evening walk...
Type doesn't bother to look at his husband after such a bold compliment and went up to change...

He closes the door and stayed there for some time coz his heart was pounding...he just smiled and said shameless tharn....

He open his wardrobe and saw it is all organized...but what he remembers is that he made a mess in the morning...how come his dresses are all ironed and so organized..did tharn did all this...

He saw a bag on top of his clothes written his name on it...Type took the bag and when he opened it he saw a note I organized your wardrobe I guess you were looking for an outfit for this evening...I brought something for you hope you like it...Type saw a cute sexy short, a T-shirt with new pair of shoes...in the bag...

Aww, my gift...he did all this for me....Type blushed...Type started jumping...aww it's so cute...he sits on the edge of the bed... now how can I be mad at him...he is doing all this...why this is hard to stay mad to such a thoughtful husband.....but he needs punishment too...else he will take you lightly Type..

He went to take a bath he is so excited to go with his husband...he wants to see what else his husband did to surprise him...

Type get ready and locked himself in the mirror...you always look so gorgeous baby...he repeated his husband's word looking at the mirror and hid his face on his palms...shameless Tharn how can he say this in front of maids shia...

𝑴𝒚 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅 2 (Completed)(Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now