𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸|| Chapter 9

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Shuichi was back in his room, still wet from head to toe from falling into the pool. He still didn't believe what happened with Kokichi, sometimes he believed it was just a dream.
Then he analyzed his sensations: the butterflies in his stomach, his cheeks that had suddenly turned red, the shivers down his spine. And thinking about it again and again, it wasn't a dream.
It was all real.
And as he continued to imagine their kiss, like a scene from a movie that was being played over and over, he slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Shuichi woke up more tired than usual. His eyes stung and hurt, he had a severe headache and felt nauseous.
He remembered that he hadn't changed his wet clothes the night before and was probably sick now.
When Kaito knocked with Maki on Shuichi's door to find out if his friend was awake, Shuichi replied that he had a fever and the friend recommended to rest. Shuichi knew it was a fever that would pass quickly, so he didn't bother to get some medicines.
Later in the afternoon someone knocked on the door, and it was Maki with the medicine. Shuichi, a bit stunned, said to come in and Maki did. She didn't get too close to him but left the medicines on the cabinet <<I brought them to you, thinking you might need them.>> she said sitting down on the bed next to him. Shuichi coughed a little <<Thanks... but I do not need, I'm already getting better.>> said thanking the girl.
She looked at him <<How did you get sick Shuichi?>> she asked, trying not to be too intrusive. He blushed and explained that he hadn't dried well the night before. She nodded and kept him company for a while <<Do you want me to bring you something to eat or->> but was interrupted by someone who knocked on the door.
Maki got up immediately <<It should be Kaito>> and went to open the door. But then he heard maki get irritated <<What are you doing here?>> The girl asked someone who was at the door. The boy in bed was still too stunned to fully understand the situation and who Maki was talking to.
He heard the girl's voice too agitated and someone shaking his arm saying <<Saihara-chan! You are awake!>>.
And who could it if not him?

Maki immediately ran to save Shuichi, convinced that Kokichi was ready to annoy or to hurt him.
<<Go away, I don't think he invited you, am I wrong?>> said the brown-haired girl in a cold way. But it seemed that the purple-haired boy didn't care <<I just heard that my beloved Saihara is sick, so I thought to come here and keeping him company>> he smiled innocently.
Shuichi didn't mind the boy's company at all, he just felt embarrassed that he could see him in that state.
<<See? He doesn't even complain about my company! So that's okay!>> Kokichi continued. Maki looked at Shuichi as if she wanted him to say something. He blushed slightly <<No problem, he can stay here with me...>> he said and then coughed again. Kokichi looked at him again as Maki sighed and said <<Okay, I have to go now. Rest well Shuichi.>> then shifted her gaze to the purple-haired boy who smirked a bit <<Touch him and consider yourself dead.>>.
Eventually Maki came out and the two boys were left alone.

There was a devastating silence in room. Shuichi continued to feel so weak from the temperature but he was happy enough as Kokichi was close to him. He could feel so many emotions in one moment. It was enough for him to remain like this forever, it was perfect for him.
Kokichi stretched out his hand and placed it on the forehead of the sick boy <<Oh you burn!>> he said as if he were almost worried. Indeed at that moment he had a serious and determined expression. It was really strange to see him like that.
He went to the bathroom and returned with a wet towel which he then placed on Shuichi's forehead. And Shuichi had a sigh of relief, closing his eyes <<Thanks Ouma-kun ...>> thanked softly.
The purple boy simply smiled as he sat down next to him. Then Shuichi saw him turn around and take something: a plate of soup.
Shuichi didn't know how he got it and when he got it. <<There, say 'ahhh'! >> said the purple-haired boy, laughing. Shuichi blushed very much <<I can eat by myself, thank you>> he replied embarrassed and grabbed the spoon, eating alone. He felt somewhat embarrassed to eat in front of the boy watching him and also that they were alone at the moment.
<<Thank you Ouma-kun>> the sick boy repeated again, trying to be kind.
<<Awww my beloved Saihara is so cute>> Kokichi praised him so as to make him blush even more, and in fact he succeeded. It wasn't hard to make the shy detective blush. Even with a little compliment or a little praise, from anyone, and her cheeks turned red as tomatoes.

Whenever Shuichi looked at Kokichi, he kept thinking about what had happened the day before.
<<Uhm... Ouma-kun I wanted to talk to you about something...>> Shuichi whispered, this made sure to attract the attention of Kokichi. And when Shuichi realized that the other boy was looking at him, he felt his heart beat faster than expected. He loved when he looked at him, and he felt full of power and thrilled, he really hoped that Kokichi would think he was cute too, even in that distressing state.
Kokichi seemed to have put himself in listening position, then Shuichi continued to talk <<I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday... you know at the pool>> the blue-haired boy was blushing more than expected, as he saw Kokichi raise an eyebrow. Maybe he was bored? Angry? Maybe amazed.
<<Ehhh? I don't know what you're talking about>> he finally spoke.
Was he serious? No definitely not, he was just making fun of him. After all, he was Kokichi Ouma.
<<I mean the kiss>> Shuichi finally answered, looking away and starting to torture his hands << I wanted to talk about that, that's all...>>.
<<What happen? Didn't you like it?>> the other boy asked almost confused.
<<No... I mean yes, yes, I mean I liked it >> he confessed, blushing and trying to hide the redness, but he had no way out now.
Kokichi laughed and gently stroked the sick boy's face, as he tried to look him in the eye <<Awww Saihara-chan, you are really silly sometimes~>> he laughed while Shuichi slowly raised his head, trying to stay calm <<If we kissed there should be a reason, right?>> continued the purple-haired boy with a soft smile, while his gaze moved slowly on the lips of the other boy. And slowly he approached him, but he was taken by surprise: Shuichi kissed him first. He couldn't resist and started kissing him slowly, as if he was insecure, but after Kokichi kissed him back and took his face in his hands, the kiss became faster.
He kissed him gently, carefully, while Shuichi grabbed him by the shirt and started to pull him harder against him. His arms encircled him as they exchanged secrets and unspoken words.
The temptation to tell him that he loved him, that be felt millions of butterflies in his stomach and that he wanted to stay that way forever was too strong for Shuichi.
But he couldn't, the kiss was too overwhelming to speak and he was sure that Kokichi knew it by now. And he knew that Kokichi wasn't lying.

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