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"OKAY, SO BARROW was still in the school, we just couldn't smell him," Tessa reviewed as they entered the high school.

Beck nodded slowly. "At least that's what Stiles said in his message," the small blonde said, showing Tessa the phone screen.

other ½ of an idiot 🚙:
Hey, having fun doing girly stuff at your sleepover?
Here's an update: Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at school. someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tried to electrocute her, knocking out the power in town. but Scott says that Kira absorbed the electricity instead. Now Barrow is dead, we don't know what Kira is and we're currently at the station being interrogated by Agent McCall
See u in the morning 😁

"Wow, he talks in paragraphs, doesn't he," Tessa murmured as they stopped at their lockers. "Please don't give him my number."

"It's funny you think he'll ask for it," Beck chuckled, shoving her overnight bag in her locker. "Stiles has ways of getting stuff. Very annoying and illegal ways. That usually gets him in trouble."

Tessa paused before turning to Beck. "What kind of name is Stiles?"

"I think it's a nickname," Beck hummed.

"Class starts in five minutes," Coach said as he walked the halls talking through a megaphone. "Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school."

Tessa rolled her eyes, slamming her locker shut as Beck giggled before they continued walking down the hall. Spotting Scott and Stiles, the small blonde grabbed her freckle-faced friend's arm before pulling her towards the pair.

"I need to tell them something," Beck explained as Stiles held Scott back.

"Which is why I need to talk to her," Scott argued with Stiles as Tessa and Beck stopped in front of them, the small blonde pulling out her sketchpad.

"Scott, no way," Stiles argued back. "Until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction."

Beck tilted her head as she looked up at the pair. "Who, Kira?"

Stiles nodded as Scott spoke. "But what if she's like me?"

"Well according to Spaz Town over here, she walked through one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity. She's not like us." Tessa said, thrusting a thumb at Stiles who tilted his head at the nickname.

"But she is something," Beck muttered holding her sketchpad out to Scott and Stiles, the image of Kira's eyes looking back at them. "Something with orange eyes."

"These are Kira's eyes. When did you draw this?" Scott asked as he took the pad, studying the image.

"Almost a week ago," Beck answered before taking back her pad and flipped through the pages. "I drew these last night."

"You had visions last night?" Stiles hissed as he snatched the sketchpad out of Beck's hands. As Stiles flipped the pad around to face him a couple of pages fell out, hitting the floor softly.

"Jeez, Stiles, be careful," Beck hissed as she and Scott bent down to pick up the pages.

"I think you need a new pad, Beck," Scott said as he handed the pages to the blonde.

"That would be nice," Beck scuffed as she snatched the sketchpad out of Stiles's hand. "Maybe you guys could get me one for my birthday."

"Hey, I wasn't done," Stiles whined as he reached for the pad again.

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