32|time to rave

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"It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage," Deaton explained, showing Beck, Stiles, and Scott the vile before placing it down on the counter, along with a syringe. "If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you some time. This is some of what you'll use to create the barrier." Deaton continued, holding up a small jar. He turned to Stiles. "This part is for you, Stiles. Only you."

"Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure," Stile whined as he grabbed the jar, examining it. "Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?"

Scott glared at Stiles, the syringe and vile of ketamine in his hand.

Beck grabbed the jar from Stiles's hand, examining the contents. "Mountain ash?" Beck muttered, looking up towards Deaton.

Deaton nodded his head. "Correct Rebecca. It's from the mountain ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural." Deaton explained for Scott and Stiles. Beck returned the jar to the counter, already knowing all about mountain ash. "This office is lined with ash wood, making it difficult for someone like Scott to... cause me any trouble."

"Think of it like an electric fence," Beck hummed as she glanced around the animal clinic. "You know it's there, you can feel it's there, but it can't do anything until it's activated. Keeps wild animals out and the animals inside contained."

"Okay, so then what?" Stiles questioned. "I just spread this around the whole building and then neither Jackson nor whoever's controlling him can't cross it?"

"They'll be trapped."

Scott glanced towards Stiles as he shoved his hands in his pockets, Beck crossing her arms as she glanced up at both of them. "Doesn't sound too hard."

"Not all there is," Deaton continued. "Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark, Stiles."

"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that," Stiles muttered, making Beck groan and Scott shake his head at him.

Deaton chuckled lightly before trying again. "Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish."

"Force of will," Stiles whispered to himself as he nodded his head.

"If..." Deaton interrupted Stiles's mutterings, leaning closer to him. "If this is going to work, Stiles, you have to believe it." Stiles mimicked Deaton's arm movements, still nodding his head.

"What about me? What am I doing?" Beck asked as she glanced between the three of them.

"You can help me," Stiles suggested. "Help take some of the pressure off of spreading dust."

Beck began to shake her head as Deaton spoke. "Actually, since Rebecca technically has... werewolf DNA, it would be too dangerous for her to handle the mountain ash. But she could be your lookout if that makes you feel better?"

Stiles released a grumble as Beck gave him a sheepish grin.

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