83|the return

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LIAM CLOSED HIS locker just as Mason wrapped an arm around his shoulder, dragging him down the hall with a wide grin.

"Whoa, where are we going?" Liam asked as he stumbled after his best friend.

"There's someone I wanna introduce you to," Mason smiled as he continued to drag Liam down the halls of Beacon Hills High School.

"I thought you already introduced me to all your friends?"

"Not her," Mason said, finally releasing Liam as they approached an unsuspecting blonde going through her locker. Mason rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her waist as he lifted her off her feet. The blonde instantly released a shriek as Mason twirled them around, Liam standing to the side watching awkwardly.

"Mase put me down," the blonde giggled as they spun.

Listening to her request, Mase put Beck down on her feet. Immediately, Beck twirled to face Mase, launching herself into a hug. Both laughed as Mase lifted Beck again.

"I missed you so much," Mase sighed once Beck was on her feet again, pulling away enough to look down at his blonde friend. "I'm so glad you're back. It's been boring around here without you."

Beck smiled, turning back to her locker. "I'm happy to be back. It's so nice to move without someone breathing down my neck to make sure I'm okay."

"Oh, hey, I wanna introduce you to someone," Mase jumped, pointing to Liam who still stood to the side awkwardly. Moving over, Mase rewrapped his arm around Liam's shoulder to pull him forward. "This is Liam Dunbar. Liam, this is my oldest friend. Allow me to introduce you to Rebecca Hale." Mase then gave a bow, gesturing to Beck.

Liam's breath caught in his throat as he looked down at Beck. It was like Liam's brain stopped functioning as Beck smiled. Her long blonde hair was covered by a gray beanie as it curled over her shoulder. Her light green eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. Liam didn't know what it was, but he knew he was in trouble.

"Please, call me Beck," the small blonde giggled, making Liam smile at the sound. "Wait, Mase, is this your friend Liam Dunbar from Devonford Prep?" Beck asked, wagging a finger at Liam as she looked at Mase.

"The same one. He transferred to Beacon Hills at the beginning of the semester." Mase explained with a wide smile, happy that his two best friends were finally meeting.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Liam. Welcome to Beacon Hills High School." Beck smiled at Liam as Tessa joined them, looking Liam up and down.

"Thanks," Liam smiled, his heart practically skipping a beat. Maybe going to Beacon Hills wasn't going to be as bad as he thought.

"And you already met Tessa," Mase said, pointing over to the freckle-faced girl. Liam nodded his head, giving the girl a kind smile. "The only person you haven't met from this group is Jules, but she moved."

"Yeah, I heard," Beck gasped, mouth falling open as she turned to Mase. "Apparently her parents finally got that divorce they were threatening each other with. Their mom took her and Danny and moved out east, right?" Mase nodded his head, hanging off of Liam's shoulder casually. "I'm seriously gonna miss her," Beck sighed, rummaging through her locker again.

"Hey beautiful," Drew smiled as he appeared behind Beck, pulling her in for a hug. Beck smiled up at him, moving to her tiptoes to kiss him. Liam's smile fell as their lips locked while Mase's mouth fell open. Once they pulled away, Drew looked around at the rest of the group. "What's up, guys?"

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