40|they're coming

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BECK WALKED NEXT to Derek as they, along with Isaac and Uncle Peter, approached the Hale House. All eyes were glued to the front door. Actually, all their eyes were glued to the mark on the front door.

The mark made Beck's heartbeat spike. She always knew they were coming. Both Derek and Beck knew they were. It was bound to happen once Derek became an alpha. But she always thought they had more time.

But that mark proved differently.

"You haven't told him everything yet, have you?" Uncle Peter asked, giving Derek a side-eye. Isaac turned to Derek before glancing at Uncle Peter.

"What do you mean?"

Uncle Peter leaned against the tree next to him before looking toward Isaac. "Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his number?"

"Uncle Peter," Beck muttered softly, trying to make him stop. This was something Derek had to tell Isaac. And Scott.

Uncle Peter glared down at Beck. "What, kid deserves to know. I mean you do, and you're not a werewolf. There's a new alpha, people will take notice."

"People like who?" The beta asked. Isaac turned to Beck who refused to meet his eyes, too busy studying the dead leaves under her feet. Frustrated, he turned back to the house before pointing to the door. "What is this?" He continued questioning as he stepped onto the porch. "What does this mean?"

Derek moved forward. "It's their symbol." Beck bit her lip as Derek neared Isaac. "And it means they're coming."


"Alphas," Beck answered softly, finally looking up at Isaac.

"More than one?" Isaac asked in confusion.

"A pack of them."

"An alpha pack," Uncle Peter clarified. "And they're not coming." The small blonde gulped as Uncle Peter paused for dramatic effect. "They're already here."

Glancing up at the once red door, Beck shuttered. Painted in black on the wood was their symbol. It could have been a triskelion but instead of curves, there were sharp corners and straight lines. It didn't symbolize balance like a triskelion. No, this mark symbolized power, the power only an alpha had.

And at that moment, it was meant to taunt them.

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