124|wednesday night's alright for fighting... monsters

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BECK SAT IN the school's library with Liam, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia, trying to figure out a plan to stop the beast from hurting anyone else at the lacrosse charity game that night. 

   "Mason said it's not just a transmitted frequency," Liam said, relaying what their friend had figured out.  "It's high-powered.  Like it has to be a really strong signal." 

   "And that's causing it to shift?"  Lydia asked, drawing everyone's attention to her.  Even after everything that had happened to her in Eichen House, Lydia continued to push forward.  Like she wasn't tortured by a mad scientist.  Like she didn't have a hole drilled into the side of her head.  It made Beck marvel at how incredible and strong her strawberry blonde friend was. 

   "No, I don't think it's just that," Scott said.  "Last night Argent said that it's getting smarter.  What if the Dread Doctors are trying to make the beast grow faster?" 

  "With frequencies?" 

   "No, by shifting," Scott corrected.  "The frequency is just the trigger.  The important part is when it shifts into the werewolf." 

   "Like Peter," Lydia said. 


   Beck nodded as she looked over at the two seniors next to her.  "When Uncle Peter was an alpha, he kept getting stronger every full moon.  With every shift, the burns healed, and he was back to normal.  Regretfully." 

   "So, the Dread Doctors don't want to wait for the full moon," Liam concluded, looking up at his alpha. 

   "They want the beast to be as strong as possible, as fast as possible." 

   "Because of Parrish," Beck said, tugging at the sleeves of her jacket. 

   "So, if this is happening tonight... what are we gonna do?"  Lydia asked. 

   Stiles sat up, lifting his finger to grab everybody's attention.  "Oh, we've got one clue to go on," he said, pulling a piece of paper from his bag before placing it on the table.  It was a picture of what looked like a shoe print made from blood.  "This came from the hospital.  Whoever's lurking inside the beast is wearing a size ten of indeterminate make." 

   Lydia looked up at Stiles as Beck squinted at the smudged bloody shoe print.  "Indeterminate?" 

   "Means it's a partial print," Stiles explained as Liam nodded in understanding.  "Basically, it was all we were able to get considering all the fire, blood, and carnage." 

   "How many size tens are out there?"  Scott asked. 

   "That, sir, is a stupid question," Beck grumbled, glaring over at Scott. 

   "But there is only one with Parrish's blood on the sole," Stiles said. 

   "So... are we gonna try and get the game canceled?"  Liam asked innocently. 

   "No, no, we're gonna play, but we're just gonna hope really hard that it doesn't turn into a blood-soaked massacre," Stiles snarked. 

   "You don't have to be a sarcastic shit," Beck grumbled, glaring up at Stiles. 

   "He's the one asking stupid questions," Stiles scuffed, gesturing over to the beta next to him. 

   "Okay, but, um... aren't we kinda missing on a chance to catch this thing?"  Liam suggested, ignoring the glaring contest between Stiles and Beck as he looked up at Scott.  "We don't have the who, but we have the where and the when." 

Golden Dandelions|Teen Wolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें