48|getting even

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BECK KEPT HER head lowered as she walked up to the school. She could literally feel everyone's eyes on her. Tugging at the skirt of her dress, Beck walked towards the doors. Lydia had picked out Beck's outfit, insisted that Beck wore it to school.

The dress was too short, and the heels made Beck feel like she was walking on stilts, but she wore it all the same.

The minute Beck walked through the door, someone stepped in sync with her stride, like she was waiting at that door for the small blonde to appear.

Looping her elbow through Beck's, Lydia moved her hand under Beck's chin to lift her head.

"Don't show weakness," Lydia advised, just as Allison appeared on Beck's other side. "Keep your head up and act like everyone is beneath you, 'cause they are. If they want to start something, show them who they're messing with."

"And who would that be?" Beck whispered as they stopped at her locker, entering her combination.

"Their worst nightmare, of course," Lydia smirked, glancing down the hall.

Watching Beck, Allison rested her hand on the small blonde's shoulder making Beck look up at her. "Everything's gonna be okay," Allison smiled. "You've got us and Scott and Stiles and Isaac."

"Not to mention the whole entire senior, junior, and sophomore classes," Lydia smirked. Turning to face Beck, Lydia brushed her blonde hair back as she watched Beck's eyebrows knit together in confusion. Giggling, Lydia moved to Allison's side. "You'll thank me later."

And with that, Lydia turned on her heels and walked away, Allison in tow.

Beck kept her eyebrows knitted together as she turned back to her locker. What did Lydia mean?

"Hey Beck," Isaac greeted as he leaned on the locker next to Beck.

"Hi," Beck smiled as she glanced up at Isaac. Returning to her locker, Beck waited for Isaac to ask the question. When he didn't, the small blonde glanced back up at him. "You're not gonna ask?"

"No, I figured you would probably get that question a lot today," Isaac said as he glanced down the hall. "I actually wanted to know if I could walk with you to class. Apparently, my first class is next to yours."

Beck smiled lightly as she closed her locker. Looking up at Isaac, the pair walked down the hall.

THE MINUTE BECK stepped into Mr

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THE MINUTE BECK stepped into Mr. Harris's class, Jules appeared and latched herself to Beck's side. The raven-haired girl sent a glare at anyone and everyone who even looked like they were staring at her blonde friend.

For the most part, the morning hadn't been that bad. As Lydia had mentioned, the whole entire senior, junior, and sophomore classes have been nothing but kind to Beck. They greeted her in the hall, asked how she was doing, and every single one of them was acting like they have known Beck their entire lives. It was nice but at the same time very weird.

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