23|ice skating

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STILES HAD BEEN avoiding Beck. Beck had been avoiding Stiles. Both were hard to do when they lived together, when they were forced to ride in the same car. But they've managed.

It's only been a couple of days since Beck threw Stiles under the bus. Stiles continued to pout like a five-year-old. Not saying a word to her when he dropped her off or picked her up. Not looking at her when he walked past in the hall. Not even acknowledging her existence.

But sadly, it didn't last long.

"He bit Erica," Stiles practically shouted as Beck climbed into the jeep.

"Hello to you too," Beck grumbled with crinkled eyebrows. "Nah, I'm good. School was school, nothing new. What about you? How was your day?"

"Your brother bit Erica," Stiles ground out. He pulled out of the middle school parking lot into afternoon traffic. Everyone heading home or back to work or just driving around town.

Beck tilted her head, her eyebrows still crinkled together. "You know, you say these names, but I have no clue who the hell you're talking about."

"She's a girl in my class who's now part of the leather jacket pack."

"And that's my problem because?"

"Tell your brother to stop biting people."

Beck turned to Stiles with a glare. "Look, if Derek wants to add to his pack, he has the right to do so. He's an alpha now, and he can't be an alpha without a pack."

"But Scott-"

"Scott's not an alpha, he's a beta," Beck corrected. "But the way he's acting, he might as well be an omega now," she added with a grumble.

Silence filled the jeep as Stiles ground his teeth together.

Finally, Beck released a huff before turning towards him. "What color are her eyes?" The small blonde asked as she dug into her bag.

"What?" Stiles grumbled, shocked by the question. He glanced over at her while stopped at a red light. Beck pulled her sketchpad from her bag, flipping through the pages.

"What. Color. Are. Her. Eyes?" Beck ground out, coming to the page she was looking for.

"I don't know, brown?"

"Do they look like this?" She held the pad up for Stiles to see. On the page were the set of female brown eyes, underneath the same eyes but golden yellow.

Stiles shrugged as he studied the image. "I don't know, I've never looked her in the eyes before. Probably."

"You're useless," Beck mumbled as she shut her sketchpad. The car behind them began to wail on his horn, the light having already turned green.

Stiles snapped out of his glare, slamming on the gas. He chewed on his lip as he snuck glances at Beck. "So..." Stiles called, breaking the silence again. "When did you dream of those?"

Beck released another huff, studying the trees and buildings blurring past in the window. "I don't dream of eyes," Beck explained softly, her fingers playing with themselves. "I... see them when I grab things. It-it's new."

"So besides possibly seeing Erica's eyes, who else?" Stiles asked as he pulled into the driveway. He was intrigued. Not only could she see the future in her dreams, but she was seeing people's eyes. But why was this happening to Beck? Why this new ability?

"You, Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Isaac," Beck listed off.

Stiles glanced down as he cut off the engine. He thought over the list. Turning back to Beck, his eyebrows rose dramatically. "All those are people you know," he announced.

"Yeah, I know them now," Beck snapped as she collected her items. "Look, I don't know why I see eyes. I don't know why I see things in my dreams. I don't know! All I know is that it's gotten worst since coming back to Beacon Hills."

"Could it be a warning for what's going to happen?"

"Obviously, the dreams of the future are. But the eyes... I just don't know." Beck whispered the last part, deflating slightly.

"WHY AM I here?"  Beck asked as Stiles and Scott opened the doors to the ice-skating rink

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"WHY AM I here?" Beck asked as Stiles and Scott opened the doors to the ice-skating rink. Allison smiled brightly at Scott as they entered.

It was obvious they were on a double date. What Beck couldn't understand was why she had to be the fifth wheel?

"Yeah, why is she here?" Lydia asked as she passed between the pair, her heels clicking loudly against the ground.

"Because Stiles's dad would kill him if he left her alone," Scott snickered as he wrapped an arm around Allison.

It was cold inside the rink. Colder than Beck expected. Quietly she sat on the bleachers, listening to the couples talk to each other as they strapped on their skates.

She ran a hand against the spine of her book. Beck hated to admit it, but she was behind on her reading. What with school and everything, she hadn't gotten the chance to finish her book.

Glancing over, she watched as Scott and Allison made their way to the ice. Stepping forward, Scott stood perfectly balanced on his skates before falling on his face.

Beck laughed at Scott's failure as Stiles approached. "You sure you don't wanna join?" Stiles asked as he stared down at her. Beck shook her head with a hum. "Okay, suit yourself."

And with that, Stiles followed Lydia onto the ice. Already she had skated to the other side before performing a perfect pirouette on the ice.

"Whoa," Beck whispered as Lydia finished flawlessly before approaching Stiles. She watched as the pair skated past. Then Allison and Scott came to view, Allison encouraging Scott as she let go of his hands.

It was starting to look like Scott was getting the hang of it. Until he faceplanted, again. Making Beck laugh, again.

Shaking her head, Beck turned down to her book and started reading. She was a good couple of chapters in when there was a loud bang. Like something slamming against the glass.

Snapping her head up, Beck watched as Allison skated to the edge of the rink before kneeling.

Scott had hit the glass.

Beck shook her head again, returning to her book.

Soon Scott and Allison ran off somewhere, abandoning the idea that Scott would ever learn to skate. Beck continued to read, listening to the sounds of Stiles and Lydia skating.

Suddenly, a scream pierced the peace surrounding the rink, making Beck jump up in shock. Searching around with wide terrified eyes, Beck found the owner of the scream.

Lydia knelt on the ice, screaming her head off. She clawed at the ice as Stiles rushed to her side, trying to pull her away.

Beck ran to the entrance to the rink as Scott and Allison appeared, surprised by the screaming.

"What's wrong with her?" Beck asked Scott and Allison as Stiles glanced up at them. They just watched on in shock as Lydia continued to scream.

Golden Dandelions|Teen Wolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें