97|but wait there's more

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BECK SAT ON the couch of the loft, sketchbook balanced on her lap.  Derek slowly approached with two coffee cups in hand.  Once he was next to Beck, he held out the mug. 

   "Alcohol?"  Beck asked hopefully as she took the mug offered. 

   "No, hot chocolate," Derek smirked as he sat next to his sister, taking a sip from his drink. 

   "I'm fifteen not five." 

   "You don't want it?" 

   "I never said that, back off," Beck argued, holding the warm mug close before taking a long drink.  Beck released a sigh as the warmth from the drink filled her inside.  "Thank you," she muttered softly, lowering the mug but still cradling it in her hands. 

   "You look like you needed a pick me up," Derek said softly before looking over at the sketchbook in his sister's lap.  "Who're they?"  He asked curiously, studying the three people sketched on the pages. 

   It was of a man, a woman, and a young boy.  Derek could tell the man had dark hair while the other two had lighter hair.  And the woman looked familiar. 

   Releasing a hum, Beck looked down at the sketch as she bit her lip.  "That's Jonas, Ellinor, and Luka Narrah," the small blonde answered softly.  Slowly, Beck looked up at her brother as she spoke again.  "They're my biological family." 

   Derek shifted in his seat as he looked up at Beck.  Studying his baby sister's face, Derek looked down at the book before nodding.  "You look like her." 

   Beck smiled at the compliment, bringing the hot chocolate to her lips again.  "Luka's still alive," Beck said, looking over at Derek.  "He's in Eichen House.  When all of this is over, when there's a moment of calm, I wanna visit him.  I wanna talk to him.  I wanna meet him officially." 

   "That sounds like a good idea." 

   "Will you go with me?"  Beck asked softly, looking up at Derek hopefully. 

   Derek smiled at Beck, reaching over to brush some hair behind her ear.  "Of course." 

   Beck smiled at Derek.  After taking another sip of hot chocolate, Beck whispered, "Why are we cursed?" 

   "What?"  Derek asked, barely hearing the whisper. 

   "You heard me," Beck muttered, looking up at Derek.  But Derek only gave her a blank look. 

   That's weird, whenever Beck would usually whisper something, Derek would always hear her.  Unless he was trying to be annoying and act like he wasn't listening.  But still, Derek always heard Beck, whether she was whispering or screaming.  He always heard her. 

   At the look on Derek's face, Beck spoke again, a little louder.  "Why are we cursed?  Why is it that the people we care about most always end up dying?" 

   "I don't know," Derek muttered with a shake of his head. 

   "But it's true," Beck continued, watching the pained look on Derek's face.  "Everyone we care about.  Mom, Dad, Laura, Uncle Sam, Uncle Davis, and Aunt Dani.  Tyler, Sarah, Ian, Tanner, and Ginny.  Erica and Boyd.  Allison and Aiden.  Drew.  Paige.  Everyone we cared about, Derek.  It's a curse and we're suffering because of it.  Why?" 

   "I wish I knew.  Believe me, I do." Derek sighed into his mug. 

   "But Derek, we can't keep living like this," Beck whimpered, tilting her head up at her brother.  "We're not even living.  We're just trying to get by with all of this pain and grief.  I hate it.  I hate living like this." 

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