109|slight cough

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"TRACY WASN'T JUST having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder, it was night terrors." Lydia explained to the group gathered around Stiles's jeep. While Beck and the other sophomores were dealing with the accident, Scott and the other seniors were tracking another werewolf.

Tracy Stewart had attacked a prison transport van, killing her own father, wounding the two officers, and almost letting a felon escape. Luckily, Scott found the felon, Donovan Donati, but they had lost Tracy. Now the pack had to find Tracy before she killed anyone else.

"Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her." Stiles said, gesturing with his hands as Beck released a cough.

"Okay," Scott sighed, looking over at his friends, "I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott stopped himself, glancing at the person standing to his right.

There Mase stood with the biggest smile on his face, absorbing everything being said and just reveling in the fact that he was being included in all of this. At the excited look on his face, Beck and Liam shared a look as they both sighed and Tessa rubbed her eyes.

"Except for you."

Mase jumped at the sudden attention he was receiving from the group. "Oh, I'm sorry. This is all just... mind-blowing." He then gestured towards Kira. "You're a kitsune. I don't even know what that is."

Kira blushed as she bobbed her head. "I'm still learning."

"Mase, baby, shhh," Beck shushed, placing a finger to her lips before releasing another cough. Quickly, the small blonde covered her mouth as Liam rested a hand on her back, watching Beck in concern.

"Beck, we said you and Liam could tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle." Stiles grumbled, glaring at the three sophomores standing next to Malia.

Mason's eyes bulged as he looked around at the group. "I'm in the inner circle?"

"No." Liam and Stiles said at the same time, both shaking their heads.

"Oh, hell no," Tessa said as Beck released another cough. "Girl, are you okay?" The curly-haired ginger asked, turning to her best friend.

"Fine," Beck sighed, waving off her friends' concern, "just a tickle in my throat."

"Guys, back to Tracy," Scott said, grabbing everyone's attention, "she's just one lone wolf. We can find her."

"One lone serial-killing wolf," Malia offered unhelpfully.

"Uh, she only killed one person, you know. The other two were mauled."

"What do we do when we catch her?" Tessa sighed, looking up at her alpha.

"I say we put her down," Malia suggested.

Everyone fell silent at Malia's recommendation, each one thinking over the idea of killing Tracy. The fact that everyone was thinking about murdering this girl made Beck shake her head in slight disgust. Just because Tracy was a killer didn't mean they had to be. Maybe they could help her. There had to be a way to help Tracy that didn't involve death.

From across the jeep, Mase's eyes widened as he watched the group. "Intense," he nodded in appreciation.

Beck sighed, facepalming before releasing another cough.

"Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first," Scott said, pushing the topic of killing Tracy to the side for now. "We'll figure out the rest later."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement as Beck released another series of coughs. That tickle in her throat just wasn't going away.

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