74|wellness check

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BECK AND JULES walked side by side down the hallway before the start of class, Jules rambling on about what had happened when Danny got home that morning covered in neon body paint.

"I mean, I have never seen my dad that red-faced since Danny came out," Jules said, shaking her head as she waved a hand in front of her. "Then my mom got pissed at my dad because he was yelling at Danny. I swear, if my parents don't get a divorce, it would be a miracle. I mean they haven't had a date night since I was conceived."

"I'm surprised you weren't at the party last night, though," Beck said, looking at Jules as they turned down a hallway.

"I wanted to, but Danny said it was for 'upperclassmen' only. No freshmen invited."

Beck knitted her eyebrows together as her lips pursed. "But me and Tessa were able to get in no problem."

"To be honest, I think Danny just didn't want me there," Jules scuffed as Beck giggled. Both girls stopped as Jules went to head right while Beck went to turn left. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Yeah," Beck smiled before continuing to head to her class when her eyes landed on Stiles stumbling down the hallway towards her. He continued to walk, not even noticing Beck as she reached a hand out to stop him. "Stiles, are you okay?"

Stiles jumped slightly as his eyes moved down to the concerned face of Beck. The small blond took note of how exhausted he looked. Dark rings were starting to form around his brown eyes and he was paler than usual. And then there was his energy. It felt weak, and... dark.

"Stiles, you don't look so good," Beck muttered as she stepped closer to her foster brother.

Stiles nodded slowly as he looked down to the ground. "Umm... yeah, I just haven't been sleeping..."

"But I thought the nightmares stopped?"

But Stiles shook his head as he looked back at Beck. "They did."

"But you're still not sleeping?" Beck asked, concern in every inch of her voice.

Stiles nodded, before glancing down the hall. The crowd of students had started to thin, leaving just Stiles and Beck. "I'm... I'm actually about to leave... you know, take a sick day."

Beck nodded her head before holding out her hand towards Stiles. "Give me your keys."

"What? Why?"

"I'm not about to let you drive yourself home when you look like the embodiment of death. I'll drive you home and stay with you. To make sure you're okay."

Stiles hesitated, staring down at Beck's open hand as he thought through her offer. Eventually, Stiles sighed, pulling out his keys to the jeep to place in Beck's hand. Smiling softly, Beck grabbed Stiles's arm to lead him to the school's parking lot.

"Actually, you think you could drive me somewhere else?" Stiles muttered softly, head lowered as he walked with Beck.

The small blonde knitted her eyebrows together as she looked up at Stiles. "Yeah, sure, where?"

  "Yeah, sure, where?"

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