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  Ron was pacing while Ginny sat on the edge of Hermione's bed. Hermione was rubbing her ankle and trying not to cry out as she felt her bones reconnecting at a snail's pace. They had been standing outside the small room adjacent to the Great Hall for an hour. 

  McGonagall had visited briefly to see Harry only to find herself barred from entering also. She checked to make sure everyone was alright and then asked Hagrid to come help and check for any more people who may be stuck in the rubble. 

  Hermione was worried sick. She hadn't shed any tears, nor did she feel the need to yet. But she was very worried, as anyone would be if emergency doctors had been rushed in for a "Life or death" situation. Harry was strong, he would make it. Will he? He's already died once and should have died when he was one. Is the third time the charm for this?  No, she couldn't think like that. She had to stay strong for everyone.

  Finally, after an eternity, Madam Pomfrey opened the door looking solemn. 

  "Is he okay?" Ron asked quickly.

  "He's alive. There was a lot of internal damage, internal bleeding, a collapsed lung. His foot and ankle were crushed, his Fibia is fractured, his shoulder was dislocated, and his wrist and hand were severely cut and broken. I can most likely mend all of the bones, but it will take several days and more than a few of the same potions I gave Hermione. We stopped the internal bleeding as much as we could, but there is nothing we can do about the collapsed lung yet until we can appropriately diagnose his head. As you know, he hit his head twice against these stones and the damage could be severe for that too, and we have no idea how permanent that damage may be. He is still sleeping, but we should be able to wake him in a few moments if you would like to come in."

    As they entered the small room once again, Hermione's fears continued to worsen. He was deathly pale, looking like he could be dead. But he wasn't. But his body was definitely crushed. Now the tears began. They quickly progressed from some small drops to big heavy drops that slid down her face. How could this happen to him? He had saved them all, and this was his thanks? He didn't deserve this. Madam Pomfrey came over and once again waved her wand over Harry. His awakening was more gradual than Hermione's and once he was awake he screamed in pain as he tried to sit up. He looked around and saw all of them standing around his bed, "What happened?"

  Harry tried to readjust several times while they told him everything that happened after his fight with Voldemort, but every time it just caused him more pain. After they finished he only had one question, "So, what's wrong with me?"

  As Madam Pomfrey listed off all the injures he had, he mentally checked each spot. They had obviously already fixed his dislocated shoulder but everything else would take time. She scanned his head and found he did have a concussion, but not as bad as it could have been considering the shots his head had taken. She went to go brew some more of the bone mending potions, leaving them alone for a while. 

  Hermione reached over and took his hand, "You'll be okay, we'll make it through this."

  Harry smiled at her, "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, I have a broken ankle, but aside from that I'm okay."

  At that moment McGonagall rushed in. "Oh dear, you're awake, thank goodness." 

  "Yes professor, I'm awake and I'm alive which is good."

  "Yes, very good. Mr. Potter, you gave us quite a  scare."

  "I'm sorry, I never meant to."

  "I know, but I am so very proud of you, and of course we all owe you some thanks."

  "No, that's not necessary. I just want to get better and help out with rebuilding."

  "That's actually why I'm here. It's already dark, so I would like you two to get some rest and drink those potions. Tomorrow, I plan on having a meeting with everyone in the Great Hall to discuss rebuilding and the next few steps."

  "That sounds good, Professor."

  At that moment, Molly and Arthur Weasley, George, Bill, Charlie, and Percy all walked in. Harry's heart dropped as he saw them enter, their faces pale, eyes red. How could he look at them? He couldn't meet their eyes.

  "Harry, it's good to see you awake. We were very worried about you."

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, I'm- I'm so sorry. I should have...... I should have done something."

  "Harry, Harry listen to me. Look here. There was nothing you could have done," Everyone had eyes full of tears, "Fred knew, we all knew, what we were getting into. We will miss him, and there are many people to blame, but Harry, you are not one of them."

  At this Harry broke down into tears, causing everyone to begin crying. Madam Pomfrey came in and handed Harry and Hermione each a potion. "This should finish your healing Ms. Granger, but this will only begin your healing Mr. Potter. It's going to be an uncomfortable night, but I also mixed in some sleeping drought to assist you. Now, everyone must leave, my patients must get some rest."

  Professor McGonagall led all the others to a section of Cots in the Great Hall. Harry and Hermione laid down and held hands as they drifted to sleep.

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