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  The next morning Hermione was given a brace for her ankle but was able to walk on it now. Harry was helped into a wheelchair so that he could hear what McGonagall would say. They both entered the Great Hall as she started the meeting, staying in the back.

  "Good Morning. It's good to see many of you up and moving today, especially Ms. Granger and Mr. Potter in the back. I believe we owe them a great debt of gratitude for stepping up in the face of danger for the entire past year, but especially early Yesterday Morning when they were willing to face Voldemort and emerged victoriously. Let us give them a round of applause."

  All over the Great Hall, wizards and witches stood and applauded Harry and Hermione. They had never seen Professor McGonagall more proud, and this action caused Harry's eyes to fill with tears. 30 seconds went by before the first person sat down, and it was a full minute before the clapping ended. Harry reached up and wiped his eyes clear.

  "Now, onto business. Hogwarts as well as the entire wizarding world is in terrible shape. After multiple discussions with staff, the board of governors, and past headmasters, I have decided as interim Headmistress to suspend the remainder of the year of Hogwarts." She paused as many gasped, "This is not the end of Hogwarts, I will remain firm on that. However, the students of Hogwarts have endured many traumas, including an attack by Voldemort and his forces. The castle itself has taken quite a beating, there are many structural issues and damages. The south wall of the castle has collapsed, as has the courtyard. These repairs will take time. The Wizarding World will need time for healing as well. Kingsley Shaklebolt arrived at the Ministry this morning and was sworn in moments ago as Minister of Magic temporarily. Only high ministry officials and all of those who are here know what has happened and that the terrorist reign of Voldemort is over. Minister Shaklebolt will release a statement in the next few days. He asks that no one share the news until he is able to officially announce it to avoid any misinformation. We will begin transporting students who decided to remain tomorrow morning as we will send owls to your families alerting them to the suspension of the school year today allowing them to be prepared to get you at King's Cross tomorrow. In the meantime, we will begin repairs on the grounds. "

  A small portion of the group went to examine the Quidditch Pitch, while the majority of wizards and witches began by fixing the collapsed wall. Despite Madam Pomfrey's urging for caution, Harry insisted on helping. Ron rolled him behind the others as they approached the wall. 

  "Okay everyone, this is the first step in fixing the castle. If we can reattach the southern wall, the castle will remain structurally stable, and then we can fix the minor injuries. However, it is a large wall, so I need everyone here to help me levitate it back into place before those of us on staff use the proper charms to seal it into the castle itself. While communal spells can be difficult, such an elementary spell should not provide any issues. On the count of three now, one... two...three!"

  Harry, Hermione, and Ron all joined in as every wand raised and Wingardium Leviosa was cast upon the wall. It went well until Harry's vision began to swim and he promptly passed out and fell out of his wheelchair. Hermione shrieked and dropped her spell as she hurried to pick him up. The wall began to wobble and tilted violently. Thankfully, McGonagall was able to steady the wall, and everyone was able to hold up the wall and move it into place. The group was commanded to hold the wall in place as she and the staff sealed the wall. Finally, they were able to successfully seal the wall, thus healing the largest injury to the castle. Hermione quickly wheeled Harry back to the infirmary. 

Harry regained consciousness two hours later.  He slowly looked around and saw he was alone in the small room once again. What had happened?

"Hello?" He croaked out.

Madam Pomfrey entered from a side door, "Oh good you're awake. I hate when I have to do this, but I told you so."

  "What happened?"

  "Well, despite my objections, you insisted on helping fix the wall and you ended up passing out from the exertion of your magic. You should have listened to me, young man."

"I know, I'm sorry. Where is Hermione?"

  "Well, she begged me to allow her to stay, but I insisted that she allow you to get your rest, plus, Professor McGonagall needed her leadership in helping to repair Hogwarts. I'll let her know you're awake." 

  A few minutes later, Hermione strode into the room. She looked angry, but Harry tried to smile.

  "Hello, beautiful."

"Don't you hello beautiful me mister. Madam Pomfrey told you to not go help and you didn't listen and you just about gave me a heart attack. Why will you not take some time to allow your body to heal!" Once she had finished yelling she smacked him on the shoulder. 

  "I'm sorry, I know, I know."


  "How are the repairs coming?"

  "Very well. We are almost done. The Castle has been completely fixed, every part put together and reconstructed. Right now every suit of armor is going around and dusting and sweeping to get rid of the dust. It looks good as new."

  "That's good. I just wish I could have helped."

  "I know, but you need to heal and get better. You'll be shocked when you see it."

  Madam Pomfrey reemerged and began scanning Harry once again. 

  "Good news, you're almost completely healed, these potions have been working better than expected. One more and you should be good to go. Let's see you try and stand."

  Harry was able to sit up and shift to the side of the bed. As he stood, Hermione grabbed his arms to make sure he didn't fall. He was a little shaky as he stood, and he was very sore, but he was able to walk on a leg, foot, and ankle that two days ago had been crushed. He quickly drank down the potion Madam Pomfrey handed to him and shook his head as the disgusting liquid went down his throat. He took a minute to steady himself and then asked if he could try and walk around the castle. Madam Pomfrey took a moment to think before allowing him thirty minutes to explore. 

  Harry was very excited to leave the room on his own two feet. Hermione lead him through the great hall, which finally had the large house tables again. It looked beautiful. They walked up the staircases, now completely whole. Each corridor looked brand new and pristine, for an old castle. He looked out a window and saw the great lake.

  "You know what I just realized?"


  "It's over. Now comes maybe the hardest part, the healing. But, it's over. We are free to live our lives now. "

  "What does that mean?"

  "Well, I don't know."

  "McGonagall announced that all 7th years could come back next year and redo their year, I was thinking I would come back and do my 7th year."

  "I think that is a wonderful idea."

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