The New Year

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The following morning was not as hectic as it had been in years past. Hermione had been staying with her parents the past few weeks and so it was just Harry at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Kreacher had helped him pack days ago, allowing Harry to sleep in a little bit, levitate his trunk and apparate to King's Cross. He ran through the barrier that opened to Platform 9 ¾ and waited for Hermione and the Weasley's to join him. Soon they arrived and everyone was hugging and saying their goodbyes.

Once aboard the train, Harry and Hermione left their baggage with Ron and Ginny while they went to meet with the Prefects and fulfill their duties as Head Boy and Girl

"Hermione, I was never a prefect, so I don't know what you all did. Why don't you tell them what to do and I'll follow your lead?"

"If you're sure, it's really not that bad. We just stroll the halls and make sure everyone is okay. Still, though, I'll take lead on this one."

Soon they had reached the front of the train and issued their orders to the prefects. Harry and Hermione took the lead by starting at the end of the train and working their way to the front. As they patrolled the corridors, Harry and Hermione eagerly discussed the upcoming year.

"I can't wait to see our professors again! It will be wonderful to have a year of just studying and education, no adventure!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry groaned, "That sounds so boring."

"You have to study this year, Harry. This determines your future, plus you'll need this stuff to do your job! This year is the most important so far. Voldemort will no longer be hanging over you, the prophecy is over, so you will have plenty of time to study and practice. I promise I will help you."

At this point, they had reached the middle of the train. Harry noticed there was a student standing in the middle of the corridor looking lost. Harry pointed them out to Hermione and walked over to them.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked.

The boy nodded.

"What's your name?" Hermione asked.

The boy answered quietly, "James Rabnott."

"Nice name, James." Harry commented, "Is there something wrong? Why are you standing in the hallway alone?"

James shrugged, "I – I went into hiding when Voldemort returned, I'm muggle-born. It's been so long; I don't think my friends will remember me or like me."

Harry patted James' shoulder, "Look, James, I'm sure they remember you and still like you. How about we go check the compartment where your old friends are, if they don't, you can come hang out with us. Sound good?"

James nodded and quietly led Harry and Hermione to a nearby compartment. Inside was a small collection of students who all looked up and smiled brightly when they saw James. Their smiles quickly turned to looks of awe as they noticed his companions. James nodded his thanks and sat down in the corner of the compartment. Hermione smiled at the students and closed the door.

"You handled that well." She said with a laugh.

"I could understand how he felt, and it didn't hurt his name was James.

"Let's hurry and get to our seats."

Before they knew it, the skies were turning dark, and they were changing into their robes. Harry and Hermione were forced to leave their friends again and hurry to the train exit. Soon, the train came to a screeching halt and the corridors were filled with students, old and new, some excited, some with looks of fear or dread. Harry and Hermione began yelling over the sound of hundreds of people, directing the first years towards Hagrid and all others towards the carriages. It was exhausting, yelling, and trying to keep track of everyone and point them in the right direction. Finally, the last person exited, and Harry and Hermione could take the last carriage to the Castle.

They were promptly met at the door by Professor McGonagall.

"I have led the children in the Sorting Hat Ceremony for many years, but now, as Headmistress I must hand that over. For this year, I have decided I will let you two do it. You will enter, and briefly explain the overall situation to the first years, without spilling the big secret. You will then march them into the Great Hall and call them alphabetically from the list. It is a great honor to lead this hallowed ceremony.

Harry and Hermione nodded.

"Oh, and before you go. The Password for all four houses tonight is 'Welcome back'. We will change that tomorrow of course and notify the prefects. Mr. Potter, I would like to see you in my office tonight one hour after the feast."

"Yes, Ma'am."

McGonagall nodded and set off briskly toward the Grand Hall.

The Sorting Ceremony went exactly as planned, bringing in one of the largest groups of new students ever seen at Hogwarts. Once the sorting was finished Harry and Hermione were able to sit down next to Ron and Ginny. Students had been given the option to repeat the last year or move up a grade. Neville had decided to repeat 7th year, along with all the others that had come to school last year. Ginny and Luna had decided to move up, making them 7th years also.

McGonagall stood and approached the Podium.

"Ahem, good evening. I am so glad to see each and every one of you. To those of you returning, welcome back. To those who are new, welcome home. I could spend a lot of time talking, but now is the time for eating! Enjoy!"

Plates full of food appeared, and everyone began to dig in. Everyone ate until they could not eat anymore, and once the final person had eaten their fill, the tables cleared, and everyone grew quiet.

"I realize everyone is now tired, but some quick announcements and reminders. Class will start as scheduled tomorrow; your Head of Houses will be handing out schedules tomorrow morning. I must introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher Ramon Fauns! The Dark Forrest is still forbidden and considered out of bounds. There is a full list of banned items available to be viewed. Now, off to bed!

The room was filled with the scrapping of benches and the low rumble of talking as students began to leave, looking forward to the warm bed awaiting them. It was the start of a new year at Hogwarts. 


I hope you enjoy!

Be on the lookout for Chapter 11 soon!

Until Next Time,


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