Suprise Letter

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  The next few months flew by. Harry and Hermione would visit Hermione's parents every few days just to check in and continue catching them up on the past year.
Hermione urged Harry to get a new owl to help ease his loneliness. He couldn't bear to get a white one and so went with a beautiful caramel-colored owl and named her Butterscotch. He also made an impulse buy and got a brand new FireBolt, the newest release.
  Soon, letters began arriving announcing Hogwart's upcoming school year, headed by Professor McGonagall. Harry knew something was up when he and Hermione received an Owl from McGonagall asking to see them the next day at the school.
Hermione and Harry hastily ate breakfast and apparated to the little town of Hogsmeade. They looked up at the school in the distance. It was crazy to imagine that this same castle had almost been completely destroyed, and they both had almost died (or did die for a short time in Harry's case) just a few months ago.
The took their time walking to the Castle, enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the walk.
They arrived at the large double doors and pushed them open. The castle was empty, or so it seemed. They climes up the staircases and quickly approached the gargoyle that guarded the Headmistress' office. It was at this time they realized the had no password to give the gargoyle.
As they were staring at the gargoyle, it suddenly sprang to life and moved to the side as Professor McGonagall appeared.
"Mr. Potter, Ms. Granger, it's very good to see you. If you would follow me."
  They followed her to her new office, Newly renovated to fit her personality. As Harry's eyes wandered around the room, he noticed with pleased surprise that a portrait of Snape had been included. Snape was staring down his nose at Harry, daring him to question his presence, despite it being Harry who advocated for his portrait.
  "I would like to go ahead and cut to the chase. As we near the new school year, the time has come to fill positions such as Prefects and Head Boy and Girl. I would like you, Mr. Potter, to be our Head Boy for Hogwarts, and for Ms. Granger to join you as Head Girl for Hogwarts. I cannot imagine any other two students who more embody the values of Hogwarts or know it any better than you two."
  Harry and Hermione exchanged an excited glance before listening as McGonagall continued.
  "Now, this prestigious position of course has important requirements. It is essential that as Head Boy and Girl, you set the highest example for new students especially but also returning students. You must supervise the Prefects and ensure that they are taking their duties seriously and correctly. You must be available to students for help in finding classes and professors, for counseling, tutoring, and other issues they must have. You must also be available for myself on an individual level as well as the other members of staff as I directly oversee you but the staff will come to rely on you as well. Amid all this you must retain high marks in your classes. Do you believe you can handle this?"
  "Yes Ma'am" both responded quickly.
  "Good, now onto the perks. As Head Boy and Girl, you are given access to private living quarters which include an area for bathing and a kitchenette, although it is expected that you will be an example of a good and mature relationship in private as well." The last part was included with a raised eyebrow and an intense blush from Harry and Hermione. "While I'm sure Mr. Potter is very familiar with these already, you will be given access to private entrances, exits, and paths through Hogwarts. You will also be able to retake your position as Captain of the Quidditch Team. Does all that sound good?"
  "Good, now I suggest you get your books together and prepare yourselves for you final year. Good Luck and good day."
  "Thank you."
  Harry and Hermione quickly backed out and excitedly walked to the exit so that they could quickly go to Diagon Alley.


  I apologize for disappearing, the last month has been crazy as I moved and school began. I hope as my schedule settles into a routine I will be able to get chapters out in a more scheduled fashion. I hope you enjoy this little chapter as we transition to the 7th Year at Hogwarts.

I hope you're excited, I know I am!
Until Next Time,

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