The First Day

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Harry had instructed the prefects to lead the houses back to their commons and gave them the password to their common rooms. However, he and Hermione remained in the Great Hall to clean up and prepare everything for the first day of the semester. It soon came time for him to join Professor McGonagall in her study. He climbed the moving staircases, appreciating the beauty of the castle he had missed so much. It was almost impossible to believe a few months ago this same castle had been threatened by Voldemort and had come very close to being destroyed. That made the castle that much more beautiful.

He reached the gargoyle that led to the headmistress's study. He recited the password and the gargoyle jumped to life, revealing a circular staircase. Harry quickly ascended and tentatively knocked on the door.


He opened the door to a large, cluttered room. It was still very similar to when Dumbledore owned this room. Memories flooded into Harry's mind as looked upon the walls. Every meeting with Dumbledore over the years, the tantrum he threw after Sirius died, his own trip to the office on the night he himself died. Right behind McGonagall were two portraits. One of Dumbledore, quietly snoring along with most of the other portraits, and Snape.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter, I hope you enjoyed the feast."

"I did, professor. I think you did an excellent job giving the opening night speeches."

"Thank you, I appreciate your kindness, it's not easy given the shoes I am to fill." She said this with a slight nod to the two portraits behind her. Dumbledore continued to snore, while Snape's sneer grew a bit larger.

"I've asked you here tonight to discuss your final year here at Hogwarts. As Head Boy, you must set an example and a precedent for your peers and those new to Hogwarts. In the past, despite your brilliance and magical abilities, we both know you have not worked as hard as you could nor done as well as you can in school. This has been looked over by many, including myself at times, because of the courageous deeds you have done and the dangers you have faced and conquered each year.

However, this year is unique. The Dark Lord has been vanquished, there is no great prophecy hanging over your head, and I believe your studies now take priority. I am sure Ms. Granger has already said this to you, but I wanted you to hear it from me. We will hold you to a higher standard than ever in your academics this year. Your future, and possibly your life depends on it given what you plan to do for your career.

All this to say, I think you may be surprised by how powerful and gifted you truly are. We saw just a portion of that power when you hit Voldemort with that final spell. No normal wizard could have used such a spell, nor caused that kind of reaction. I expect your power would grow exponentially if you were to apply yourself and practice."

"But, professor, where could I practice without endangering others?"

"I seem to remember a very peculiar room near the 7th floor. Now, the way I understand it, there was extensive damage to the room during the battle, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn it has repaired itself. It wouldn't hurt to look."

"Thank you, professor," Harry said with a knowing look.

"That is all Harry."

Harry nodded and backed out of the room.

The walk back to his room was a long and quiet one. He quickly showered and changed into his sleeping robes. The bed was soft and inviting, sinking under him, allowing him to sink into his sleep.

The next morning was hectic. New students were excitedly walking around, eating breakfast, and getting their schedules. On the other hand, the golden trio was very quiet, calmly eating a small breakfast. Each was slowly accepting the fact that this would be their last year at Hogwarts, and although that brought excitement, it also brought sadness. It was also an acceptance of coming responsibility."

Harry's eyes were roaming the Great Hall when he noticed an odd sight, someone he hadn't thought about for a long time, Draco Malfoy.

Following Voldemort's death, the Ministry had listened to Harry's advice and launched an investigation into the Malfoy's. They had barred them from all political events. They stripped Lucius of all his titles and achievements. They were removed from the Malfoy Manner to conduct the investigation, and to this point had not been allowed to return. However, despite Harry's advice, they di levy several fines on the Malfoys, removing much of their wealth. While they were still financially stable for the time, they were not nearly as prosperous as they had been. All of this and more contributed to the scene Harry was watching.

Draco apparently had decided to return to Hogwarts to undergo his final year as well. However, now he was not the popular kid or the golden boy of Slytherin. Instead, he was considered by many in his house an outcast, while many in the other houses did not trust him or blamed him for his family's role with Voldemort.

Now, Draco was sitting at the end of his house's table, while 4 large boys were standing around him, pushing him and jeering. A small part of Harry wanted to take joy in the sight and relish the revenge, but he could not. After everything they had been through, he could not let him suffer this.

"I'll be right back," Harry said as he stood.

Ron and Hermione looked up widely at him as he abruptly stood and walked towards the Slytherin table. It was then that they understood what was happening, and they quickly got up and followed him.

Harry approached the group and pushed one aside.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" He asked loudly, causing the Great Hall to go quiet.

The boys glared at Harry, upset at the fact that their fun had been interrupted.

"Listen here, I am Head Boy. This is your one and only warning, stay away from Draco. If I see you making fun of him, pushing him, hell if you look at him wrong, I'll give you detention for a week. I suggest you get to class." Harry said coldly.

The boys murmured quietly before walking away, glaring daggers at Harry and Draco.

Harry looked worriedly at Draco, "Are you okay?"

'I'm fine Potter. I don't need your help." Draco spit back before jumping up and pushing his way past Harry and Ron.

"Just let it go, Harry," Hermione said.

"Yeah, he's always been a git, he deserves a little bit of trouble," Ron said.

'No, he doesn't. Hermione, Ron, I want you to both keep your eyes on him. If you see trouble, Hermione you can handle it, Ron let one of us know."

"Are you saying I can't handle trouble?"

"No, but I can handle trouble without getting in trouble, you can't."

"Fair enough I guess."

"C'mon, we need to get to class ourselves." Hermione reminded.

All three nodded and headed to their first class of 7th Year. 


Now we are starting to get to the good stuff!

I feel I should apologize for the fact that this story and the first book were created as a Harmione story. I realize lately that has taken a back seat and I'm sorry. I'm working to fix that in the upcoming chapters, and I hope you enjoy what's ahead!

Until Next Time,


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